The Second Attempt On Trump | Retrospect Ep.155
In this week’s episode we discussed the second attempt of Former President Donald Trump while he was golfing recently. As this episode progressed we talked more about the political climate that we are all currently in before this upcoming election. On a more positive note the top of this we had a more in depth conversation about Buc-ee’s that wasn’t planned.
Our Links:
record heat, vacation plans, Hurricane Francine, Buc-ee's Louisiana, genetic genealogy, Blackrock acquisition, Trump assassination, Secret Service, Kamala Harris, military industrial complex, social media influence, healthcare debate, political divisions, future elections, third party
Jason (46%), Stoney (35%), Ian (19%)
Ian, welcome to the retrospect podcast, a show where people come together from different walks of life and discuss a topic from their generation's perspective. My name is Ian, and as always, I'm joined by Jason. Hello, everyone. Stoney, Hello. How's it going, guys?
We're good. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's, I'm really hoping that this weather starts cooling down. They're talking about record heat this coming week. Get out really, yeah. Oh, record heat.
Well, we had that massive cool front that came through and dropped the temperature of what, like three degrees, yeah, yeah, yeah. That a massive cool what they call, what do they call it hurricane Francine? Well,
yeah, no, but like, a fool's winter where it's like the temperature drops kind of for a brief period of time, and gives you hope that autumns come in and, well,
I mean, I mean, it's coming. It's just, of course, we're not there yet.
But it comes in waves, like, dip down for a while, and then, of course, it just goes back up before, like, it really gets cold, and
I'm actually, speaks spits. Can't even talk right now, fixing to go on vacation next weekend, where to Orange Beach. But unfortunately, the weather's talking about a storm out. Oh, come on, yes, not again, believe it or not, the the models are showing potential development, where it will go, they don't know. So
are you just doing, just like gonna go out in the beach or
have go out? I'm going with, you know, my girlfriend, my family, I'm it's gonna be several of us there, and golly, I'm hoping that this thing doesn't Yeah, well, let's put it this way, if, if it develops into a named storm, then they will cancel and reschedule us.
Okay, okay. If not, then they just keep the reservation.
Yeah? You they force you to keep the reservation. You just go sit in the rain, you know.
So, you know, the Francine just kind of came through here. And when it originally looked like it was going to come through Texas and Lake Charles, all of a sudden it kept moving. And then it looked like it was going to come directly through Baton Rouge. But then right before it did, it took another swerve to the east, apparently, even a hurricane, if it doesn't have to drive through Baton Rouge, it's not gonna, nope,
yeah, you
know what, guys, I'm sorry. I'm
not even gonna worry about even, even Mother Nature.
Mother Nature doesn't want to go through, okay,
well, yeah, it's
terrible, terrible, terrible, but yeah, so hey, well, here's what happens. Here's hoping that it all blows. We're supposed to leave next,
next Friday, you guys going for like a whole week, or just a short, like a three day or Okay,
so we'll supposedly leave Friday morning, yeah, and then we'll be coming back Monday afternoon. That tell
you guys about the the trip to Houston. I went
on No but I see a buckies over there. So I stopped
by the buckies, um, I, I was able to go out to to Texas to go see a show. I went with a my my best friend. Oh, yeah, you did. It was, I mean, it was a great experience. But of course, in the process of that, I was able to come back and get some souvenirs. I hear it was, it was so nice to just get away for a couple days. It's been very busy with for me. I hear
they're gonna be building a book he's in around Lafayette, really, Yes, I
heard it was North Louisiana where they were gonna building
one in ROSS right there, around Rustin. But Dave, the talk is because I saw it in the Lafayette newspaper that they, they bought bland that they're gonna probably build right there, around, if y'all familiar with that area around where Louisiana Avenue is.
I Right now, I know currently, the the the buckies that we have next to the Louisiana area is not until you get, I think, like, into Alabama or Mississippi, I think, or Houston. So there's like, it really is like, there's, you know, we there's like, a, it's a travel either direction, east or west to get to one. So I think it probably be smart to have one.
It was supposed supposedly, one was gonna be built in in in Baton Rouge, and that was all set right there, all through big time. And that was right around the flood. And really the flood in 26 it was supposed to be built right there at millerville? Wow, yeah, well, that would have been millerville.
Well, there were some other things that happened too with our current administration in the area, yeah and yeah, the flood was just the reason because. They didn't want to say the real reason they backed out of that in public. But,
I mean, that would have been a that's a big area, or at least passing through.
Well, that's what I'm saying. The before all that was developed, that's what's developed out there. That was supposed to be the location of the buckies, wow, here. And I mean, I had heard rumors that, you know, there was some problems with the with the permitting, and, of course, all the stuff that was just of building, something of that nature.
Oh, yeah, it's also, it's big. Like, they're, I've been two different ones so far. They're huge. They're huge, yeah. I mean, hey,
not only the building's huge, you got to have a lot of parking, yeah, and egress, you have to be able to get to it. And you got to think big trucks got to come in and out of it. So you got to change a lot, yeah, you got to change the way the interstate works. You know, the on ramps, the exit ramps, how they get to it? Yeah,
I've been very curious how that would have worked, because I don't know if they would have kept the same configuration that there's it's that now that may
have been, that's what I'm talking about. That's part of the process, because I so far from what I've seen, buckies has a standard, and they do not deviate from standard. So wouldn't be surprised if they're like, well, let's do it our way. And they're like, Nah, we'll just go ahead and back out.
And then the flood happened. Whole property went underwater, yeah? And I think that would basically say, You know what? Maybe that was the universe is speaking.
Yeah, yeah. Maybe this isn't the best investment. Let's go and hold off
so. But my understanding is one will be built around Louisiana Avenue. Interesting, of course, the one that everybody knows on the North Louisiana, yeah, around Rustin. And there was some concessions as far as monies and stuff like that. If I recall that the area gave buckies to build there. So, you know, would have been nice to have one. I thought it would have been an ideal spot for one I bring and but, you know, well, things happen.
This is planned to open in Lafayette in 2025 Yeah, at the intersection, yeah, you said Louisiana Avenue, interstate 10. There's
a lot of open land there. Wow. So
recent 2025, man, that's gonna
start, yeah, because I drive out there quite a bit, and so, I mean, I look and go say, yeah, they got plenty of land to work with there. So it's, they've got no issues. That's cool.
I'm excited about that. That's fun. So when
you're traveling with, yeah, in the future, you won't have to wait all the way to Texas to go to a Bucky so that's fun.
But, yeah, we'll have our home. But
yeah, there you go. And you know what? I'm just not a huge book. I don't really understand the big thing about, I
mean, I'm not, I'm not really. I was never really, either. But I will say, like, go in there. I mean, I've been there, yeah. I mean, she's, I mean, world class bathrooms.
They go out of their way to eat the bathrooms, nice, but for
and big for me. For me, it was nice to let it was nice to have a like, not only did I get a couple of souvenirs for the family and, you know, and myself as well, but they got some pretty good food out there as well. So I was like, I
mean, I was gonna go there before my accident, and I lose my sense of smell and taste. They had the beef jerky. They got some of the best beef jerky, cracklins. They got all kind of good stuff. Yeah, I can't taste it now, but yeah, it was that was always fun. I
wasn't super big on the hype of it all, but then, like I said, I got, got a couple souvenirs, and looked around, and one of the employees there was hyping up this, this, like, this chicken sandwich they had, and there's all the pulled pork they had there. And I was like, I mean, I looked at it, I was like, I'm so hungry right now. And that looks amazing. And I tried it. I was like, Yep, it was so good. But, um, anyways, enough, enough. Talking about all of our extra stuff. What do we got on the dock for? I mean, you could talk about what you want to talk about something else. No,
I like talking about buckets, because actually, that was when Miranda and I first started dating. Yeah, we took a trip to Houston. There you go. And she took me to my first buckies. How fun. And it was kind of neat. Yeah, it was neat. We stayed in there for a couple hours. Oh, yeah, around checking stuff out, I
got myself a little fridge magnet. I got a little canteen. I'm not gonna say it on the show. But one of those two is a gift for someone special.
You can say it on the show. Well, what is, I
think she listens. It's gonna be for my mom. I have a little canteen right there,
so we don't want to say that.
So anyways, I got, I got those and, you know, got a little, got a little sweatshirt. And I was like, you know, hey, I get some. I'll get some merch while I'm out here. People love their buck I know people especially, I feel like in this area again, because you have to, in, like, the greater Louisiana area, you have to, like, really travel east or west, and you gotta go at least five, four or five hours. So I'm saying, is anybody in this area that has buckies? You're like, Oh, you, you traveled somewhere to go get your to get your stuff, is what it feels like. It's
like a bad badge of something. Yeah,
exactly right. I think it's cool. So,
so we had a one of our avid listeners sent me something they had listened to our episode that we did on genetic genealogy. We got some pretty good responses. And I don't know if it's because of what we said on our show, but promptly after our show, the entire board of 23andme resigned, leaving the CEO by herself. That's the entire board now also, we announced on the show that Blackrock had bought up ancestry, yeah, and 23 in me. Okay. And so people are concerned now, because they're genetic markers which will make you more likely to develop certain diseases, cancers and other abnormalities with access like this. What will Blackrock be doing? It? They'll be selling this information to health insurers, which would could raise prices.
Of course, interesting.
So, you know, what do you do there? You know, you know they're not going to lower prices because of this information, right? But they can go, oh, no, you you're going to do this. So we're gonna have to charge you more?
Yeah, I think I saw something to the effect that they disagreed on the path forward. It was two different visions. So the CEO was probably thinking grand things of how much money now, you know, with with BlackRock, right? Backing them?
Oh, BlackRock, doesn't want to back them. They just want the information. They're going to sell that information. They're going to make their money, and then they don't give a shit past that. Well, that's
what I'm saying, but they own it now. So, I mean, that's, that's part of it, so, but that's what I'm saying. So the board, basically, you know, a lot of these people got involved with this company with, you know, good intentions, good intentions, and this is what they but unfortunately, a lot of industries that happens. A lot of people start off with a noble purpose or a good idea. No one is thinking of how, as things you know, evolve and how it gets perfected, that all of a sudden other companies look at it, or other individuals say, Well, you know, now this can be used for this, and so that's what they do. But,
but what was the last show about how genetic genealogy was a new tool in forensic to look for criminals Correct? Okay, so that actually ties into, why would Blackrock State Street and Vanguard and their subsidiaries want to be buying all these homes, buying all this information, just if the if they could forensically stop a criminal from being found, because the show today is going to be about, actually, the second attempt on Donald Trump.
So what if they could magically make some information disappear? Because we found out that this assassin was also in a black rock commercial, yep. Okay, think about that. What? What are we doing here when we have people that can be turned changed. You know, we need to hear what Brandon Iglesias might have to say on some of this stuff with nanotechnology, and
I'm beginning to
whatever. Do you know that episode is has now reached over 700 views on our YouTube channel. Wow. That scares me a little bit.
That's on top of the other views on our other stuff.
Well, you know, we've had him. We had him for another show, too. So
the most recent one, though, right? So, you
know, it's, yeah, I'll be, I would be very curious about what, what we what is really going on with this. I, you know, you don't think, I mean, it's almost getting, like James Bond type stuff. I mean, it really is. I mean, it's, it's so incredible that it's hard to really wrap your mind that there might be some actual truth to this, that some of these people are just wigging out and doing things that. That just you would go, you know, there's a lot of people that don't like political candidates,
but you have to, you have to look at the narrative a whole different ball game. Let me throw this in there. Let me throw this in there, right? Guys, as Ian likes to say, hear me out. What do they call Trump?
A number of things. No,
no. Think about this existential
threat to democracy. No, what?
What term do they use? Okay, if you were a football player and you were alive, what are you? You're a former football player, right? If you die, what are you? You are an ex football player, and they refer to Trump as the ex President of the United States. They can't even give him the courtesy and respect to still be alive. They are killing him in their words, this is a subliminal thing that they are using to write a narrative. Okay, when you look at the amount of security that former President Obama has compared to former President Trump, is ridiculous. Oh, former President Obama has three times the security that former President Trump has. Why?
Well, the canned response from the Secret Service would be that he's not the sitting president, and he would not get the vast majority of resources
that neither is President Obama, but yet he still has three times the security detail that former President Trump has. Trump is a closer to being a seating president because he beat Obama. Well, Obama's even four to eight years out more.
Well, a lot of that has to do with the sitting president and what they allow Exactly. So, I mean, yeah, I mean, it's, it stands to reason that because you have a Democratic president, that's, well, let me put it this way, supposedly we have a sitting president, right? We don't know what he's doing, because, seem like every time he's going on vacation, he's sitting on the beach and he's pretty much got his eyes closed, and he's just chilling out, like any of us would do. But so I don't know who's running the free world right now, but that's neither here nor there.
A lot of people are saying it's Obama. Well,
it may be. It might be him. We don't know. We could speculate. I wouldn't be surprised if there's probably a group of people that are really running the country right now, because vice president Harris is out campaigning, so she's not doing much governing, right? So you know who exactly is running the show. I mean, technically, the third person in government should be the Speaker of the House, right? That's right, in the order of succession, he would be, if the President, the Vice President, would be incapacitated. He would take over. So in all reality, they're incapacitated. Mike Johnson should be running the country, but he's not. I mean, you know that, because there's a there's a cabal of people probably doing this right now, and, and that's what's concerning, is no one seems to even
care. Yeah,
I mean, that's disturbing, that we have foreign adversaries right now that know we're weak and, we all right now tearing ourselves apart over this. And it's just, it's just, I never thought I'd see my country just what it is right now. I mean, we're not in a good place at all. I think
Governor DeSantis agrees with you, because he has refused to turn over. Yeah, I like that. Oh, I do too, because somebody needs to stand up. How can I turn over this information to the FBI who's done nothing but the last three years to try to indict and convict this exactly. They're not going to do anything so he won't turn it over. He says the investigation will be conducted by the Florida Highway Department of Law Enforcement and Florida Highway Patrol, because the people, and this is a quote, deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee, and this is one thing the media keeps going. Well, he never had him in his sights. He never could actually see the president. Okay? Who here has played golf? Raise your hand. Please have okay. He was sitting in the bushes. Now a. Apparently former President Trump was at hole five when all this was going on. He was sitting waiting for him to continue through the rest of the holes where, guess what, he would have come in sight, right? And he was there by his own phone records, 12 hours waiting. So he was waiting for him to get there and mosey on through the golf course, but then tell me this too. Think about this. It was an announced, unannounced golf game. Yep. How'd he find out who told him? Well,
I was watching a program that there are some people in our government that fear that our security apparatus has been compromised, that they are people that are feeding information to our adversaries of where our leaders are, their schedules. I'm reading here in the hill reporting there's a task force that's been set up. The House Task Force investigating the assassination attempts against former President Trump, have been scheduled for its first hearing on Thursday, September 26 The hearing will be focused on the Secret Service, reliance on state and local enforcement at Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a gunman opened fire, the former president was grazed by a bullet, one person was killed and two others were wounded, spearheaded by chair Mike Kelly, Republican Pennsylvania and Ranking Member Jason Crow, Democrat Colorado, the bipartisan task force will expand its scope after a second incident during Trump's life. So at least they're trying to find out now this also read that they just passed a supplemental bill. Yes, they did, which I'm glad to say, hugely,
hugely funding, additional support for the former presidents, their spouses, etc.
Man like I at this point, it's gotta be, for me, it'll be one attempt is, you know, already scary enough, but having a second attempt, man, it's like, that's hard to justify. Like, how do you move forward now? Like,
well, somebody asked that very question. He's like, I'd have been done the first time. I'd have been out. What's pushing Trump? I'm
not saying, I'm not saying that like, motivation like, I know what his likes. I feel like, I know what his motivation is. I understand what. I understand what's driving him. But I'm talking about like, also from like. I'm talking about more fundamental than that, of like, now again, I don't know, I don't know Donald Trump's context, so I don't know who he surrounds himself with, as far as like, security goes, but for me, I'd start to ask some, like, hard questions about, like, what am I paying you guys for? Well,
you guys, security's kind of out of the picture. They take a secondary front to the Secret Service at this point. I
got, I got you, but, but, like, but I'm still talking about, like, in my mind, where I'm coming from, is like, you guys have one job keep me alive, and you guys are doing a pretty awful job at that. Sorry. Like, like, again, we're talking about some situations where, like, I'm so glad that they were able to catch up beforehand. And I'm not saying that, you know, people probably didn't like, stake out that place beforehand. But like, I'm talking about moving forward. If we're talking about, like, a potential third attempt, or, heaven forbid, a successful attempt on his life, I'm like, What are we doing here? Like, at least, that's what I'm coming from. Of like, again, like, if I, maybe I, maybe I hold, like, job and title and rank higher than I probably should. But like, if you got one job, dude, and you can't get that, like, you can't figure that
out, man, you gotta remember, coming from private sector, I know I got some questions.
I never been in that space. I never been that. But I'm just talking about, like, if I have one job to protect one person. And I know we're in a world now where, again, people are probably spreading information about where we all are, and it's hard to, like, get a wrangle on those things, so I'm trying to be sympathetic, but man, it's also like, come on.
The interesting fact is, is that a number of the libraries in our area have moved the conspiracy theory section to current events, because obviously the Deep State wants Trump out of the picture, because their house of cards is going to come down if he becomes president. And let's just, let's just look at what we know. Okay, this guy made $3,000 a month doing roofing. The
is that Ralph Ruth, or whatever? How are they pronounced?
Whatever his last name is, I don't even care enough to say his name right? How do you buy a first class ticket from Hawaii? How did he live in an $8,000 a month place in Hawaii? He can't afford to pay his child support, and on that month, monthly salary, he was traveling around the world, globetrotting, trying to recruit mercenaries to fight in the Ukraine war, of which he went to try to fight. And they said, Yeah, you're crazy. Go away. So he was even denied to take up arms in a current war, because somebody thought he was a just a flake, but he was going around trying to recruit mercenaries to fight in this war. Where is he getting the money? How are they going to pay these said mercenaries? Somebody paid this guy and helped him do this. Somebody gave him the information on where former President Trump was going to be on a day of an unannounced golf trip.
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Well, right now, the according to government records, the Secret Service is operating with 400 fewer employees in Congress has authorized Wow, so they're short, but
you also have to remember these things happen when this administration takes hits in congressional hearings at the very same time, former chief of border patrol agent Aaron hitaiki, was ordered he announced, in under oath, that the Biden Harris administration ordered him to cover up the disaster at the border. Number one, data on hidden on terrorist encounters, 150,000 flights. Of illegals to Texas, and zero resources to track fentanyl. At the same time he was saying this, this assassination attempt happened. This was at the same time of the Uvalde shooting, when Hillary Clinton was appearing before Congress for her bullshit on emails and everything, all her failures as Secretary of State.
Well, right now, I do believe the Secret Service issue is strained. I think, yeah, because they've expanded their their outreach of the amount of people that they are, that they are protecting. Because not only you've got, technically the sitting President, Joe Biden, you got to have, he's the president, so he gets the vast majority of resources, sure, right? But you then you got Kamala Harris, who's kind of like acting as president in charge. And then she's got to have protection, and then you've got Trump, who's also a very, very, you know, as a lightning rod, as a figure, and being a former president, and just everything going on. I mean, I can understand on secret services is right now, at a point where they're just overloaded. I could see that, you know, I do worry, though, about the potential compromising position the agency may be in right now with if what I've heard from just reading some sources that there are some people that are concerned that the agency may be compromised by foreign officials. So I got
a crazy idea. Let's stop paying $150,000 for an illegal alien to buy a home in California, and stop giving them $4,500 a month for living, and let's beef up the Secret Service.
We've talked about that on the show before, about I think we should take care of ourselves first before we try and take care of other. There have
been 45 men elected president since the country's founding, and 40% of them have experience. Known attempts on their lives. Four presidents, Abraham Lincoln, James A Garfield, William McKinley and John F Kennedy have been assassinated, while Trump and Theodore Roosevelt were both former presidents when they were shot. Ronald Reagan was injured in 1981 which almost ended his life. And then was it a month, month and a half later, he was in Germany for the Wall coming down when a balloon popped, and he famously said, missed me. That was That was great. Ronald Reagan, there are 13 others. Andrew Jackson, William Howard, Taft Herbert, Hoover, Franklin Delano, Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H W, Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden have had known plots or failed attempts to end their lives. Now what, not what a lot of people don't know or remember, is when John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln on the same night Lincoln was killed, his Secretary of State, William Seward. Seward was had an attempt on his life. They were trying to take the government out right
now was, yeah, that was John Wilkes Booth. And basically a way of destabilizing. That was the last gasp of the Confederacy to try to destabilize the US government and continue the war.
You could say the Confederacy, but you really can say the Democrats, because they both came from the Democrat party, right?
You know? So, I mean, I don't want to now,
how did this guy, how is he still not in jail?
He's not, well, no, he's
in jail for this act, okay, but he's got more than 100 criminal counts that have been filed against him. He's been in jail. He's been interviewed on camera by every major news agency, and yet he's been interviewed by the FBI, the CIA. Why? Why was he already not in jail? Because this is one of the things leading people to say he was pushed in this direction.
Well, that's what I'm saying. You know, no one wants to kind of go off on the deep end and think of, okay, these grand conspiracies, and I get it, but they're sure making it hard right now, not for reasonable people to be going why? There's got to be something going on here. The Secret Service employs 7879 people, and that was as of February. That's the latest stats.
But that's also treasury. That's a whole, the whole deal, fun figure to throw in there. Homeland Security has 1500 agents to help the Secret Service at the same time, right?
He said. Now that trails a plan that a previous agency director, James Murray, laid out to Congress in 2022 when he said he aimed to have 8305 staffers within a year, and 10,000 by 2027 so the Congress boosted the Secret Service budgeted by 9% this year to account for the 2024 elections. The agency cannot quickly staff up the demanding nature of the job means only 2% of the applicants typically are hired. Wrote, said, told Congress in July, which I can understand that, right, you can't just have anybody belonging to the Secret Service. I mean, it's like any job. Yes, you know, it's not like flipping burgers here. I mean, this is, you got to have people of sound mind and can handle stress. And these are definitely not the times you want to dei hire. Yeah, you don't want to have that. And you just don't. So it's, it's, you know, so funny in my, in my when I graduated from college, of the secret services who I wanted to get hired with? Really? Yeah, oh, wow. Okay, but they the Feds were having a hiring freeze at that time, if, if, what was going on now, I know I'd probably get hired now, but yeah, that was my, that was my dream. Was to actually guard presidents. Wow, that's what I wanted to do, but didn't work out. But, but, yeah, but secret services, they're, they're strained right now, and if, if, if some of the higher echelon has been compromised, that's very concerning. I do believe the guys have worked on the on the ground. I've talked to those kind of guys before. I've known them. Those are good guys. They work hard, it's long hours. And now I don't know what's going on now, but I know back then, those are some part. Working dudes, and it's a lot of stress I could only imagine right now. Oh yeah, what is going on in their meetings? Oh yeah, the amount of hollering and screaming probably going on and making people's lives miserable. Like, how did you miss that? Even though it's like, that's
why I was saying, like, I may be frustrated, but also, like, I don't know any of them personally. I don't know their context. I don't know what they're doing. Like, I don't, so I'm trying to have some level of sympathy, but at the same time, like, but, and also, I don't know how much information is being leaked, or who all is, you know, who's well,
we know former President Trump's information's being leaked. I know, and that's
what I'm saying. So I can imagine, you know, I got in my emotions, I feel very passionate about it, but then when I start to, like, look at the picture that's painted for them, and then I'm like, Okay, well, they got a stacked deck against them. I try and least cut them some slack, I guess. But,
well, they got a stacked deck because they they work with a department the, you know, the DOD has been militarized, and they're, they're targeting Americans. Okay, our own government is using our own department of defense. And what's the other word, I'm looking for, Jason, the the FBI. You know, all of the alphabets are being used against American citizens now, Donald Trump is still an American citizen. He just happens to be the former president and possibly the next president, but they are attacking him every day, and they think, how can, and I agree with Governor DeSantis, how can the FBI, hey, I
don't try. Yeah.
How can the FBI actually investigate when they're the ones trying to put him that spent the last three years trying to put him in jail with fraudulent and bullshit indictments over and over again, just trying to get something to stick.
Hasn't it also come out that they that the FBI and I could be speaking on a turn, but didn't the, I know, not, not speaking on conspiracy theory, but, like, hasn't something come out recently about how the FBI was behind the assassination of JFK?
Well, the CIA, definitely the CIA, definitely
FBI, CIA, okay, regardless, in the same kind of space I can understand from, like, you know, from, but it's still one of the alphabets I'm saying, Yeah, from Governor DeSantis position being like, I Give me one reason why should. And
he's right. And one of the things he says, if this was a sitting president, the state would not have any jurisdiction, right? But right now, President Trump is a citizen and resident of Florida, right? And his jurisdiction takes over. That's why he hasn't turned assassin over, and he's not going to, and I don't blame him. I applaud him, yeah, yeah,
because I have a few of he went to the Feds that,
oh yeah,
he would somehow disappear.
Oh no, he would, he would accidentally hang himself, maybe,
or again, let Reno all his fines will be paid off. And of course, you know, he wouldn't be heard from again,
you know. And the sad part about this, this is just kind of where we're at as a as a country, just politics, there's a almost half of Democrats feel like this is staged by Trump, really? Yes, I didn't know that the statistics are terrible.
Well, I think that's just the media saying that. I don't think that's actually people believing that? Well,
they take polls and you know, they say, you know, you know, Democrat leaning voters, how do you feel about a particular issue? And in this particular issue, there's a lot Look, I know some people that believe this has been staged by Trump
himself. Been staged by Trump. I
get that, but that's what I'm saying. Is where we're at right now, that we can't even as a country, view the attempted assassination of a former president that somehow, well, you know, in some ways, he brought it on himself.
Okay, he's beating her hands down. He doesn't actually need to do this. What they need to do is they need to puff her up a little bit and try to give her a shot to win. Because you got to remember this when Biden dropped out their 100 million ballots that they had filled out with his name on it. They can't use anymore, and they don't have enough time to write another 100 million ballots. So they got to find something else they can do to help her win. So they'll say and do anything.
I just the more and more I look at it, it's stressful, not even. Not even stressful. It's just like, there's no like, regardless of what the outcome is, peace is not going to end up on the other end of it. You know what I mean? If Kamala Harris gets in place like you, better believe that, like every I mean, gun toting, good old American is going to be like, This is not real, and I don't blame them. And then the other camp of, like, if Trump wins, there's gonna be this, like, loud group that's just gonna, I mean, cause so much destruction and chaos. And I don't care what people say about again, you know, the fact that I don't know, I don't know. I don't even want to continue that statement. It just it gets to the point where I'm like, I just know that it's gonna be it's just, I don't know. I'm not seeing a peaceful holiday season after this. You know what? I
mean, well, we're, we're, you know? I mean, it's weird.
I knew it was gonna happen, like, I mean, obviously I knew this day was coming. But it's just even more so now, with all this coming out and all and like again, the debate that Trump and Kamala had and all that stuff, and just man, the more and more stuff comes out, and the more things are conspiracy, the more things aren't true, or all that stuff, it just makes it so much, so much more difficult. Well, not getting any easier, it's only getting more difficult. And then attentions are gonna rise, and then, you know, we're all gonna turn on each other. And I don't think that's the that's not the
right I think we're already turning on each other. I think the movie that came out a little while ago called Civil War. Mean, they, they keep showing the scene where the guy is is talking to these people, goes, well, you know, what kind of Americans are you? You know, and I can kind of view see where, if this, we keep going down this path, and, you know, people say, oh, we need to be unified. And all this, no, there is no unity. There never has been unity in this country. We don't, we don't. We unify out of necessity. In all reality, we all live in our tribes. We just do,
you're right. But like, but there is like, there is a at least from what it feels like, not even in my lifetime, but like you can we can be opposed on our belief system, but I can still sit and have a conversation with you. I can still be amicable. I can still like, I could still respect that you have a different upbringing and belief system than I do, but people don't I know, I know, but that's I'm saying. It's like I'm talking about in my life. Personally, I have been with people that have different religious beliefs than I do, that have different upbringings I do, that come from different countries than I do, and we can still sit down and fundamentally disagree on some very big things, but I can still look at that person and say, I respect you as a person and I and I think that is a level of unity that like the country, has not had in decades. You know what I'm saying? Like people from opposite sides can't even sit down and have that conversation of like, I still respect you for what you believe in,
because that's part of the problem. If a conservative doesn't like what's on the TV, they change the channel. A liberal wants to ban that TV station. If a conservative doesn't like that gun, they're not gonna buy that gun. But now the Liberals want to ban all guns. Hold on, let me ask you a question. You watch the Hunger Games, who did you side with the resistance? You watch Star Wars, who did you side with the resistance. You watched the matrix. Who did you side with the resistance? You watched the Virgin. Who did you side with the resistance? You watched V for Vendetta.
Who did you side with Vendetta?
The resistance? When it's fiction, you understand, yet people refuse to see it when it's the reality that we're living in, because
they because they believe that their camp is right, and they're being, I've fundamentally being brainwashed and led into a false sense of reality. And we won't, we don't know. Got to get into all that. I'm and you're right. I agree that in this current context, yes, it is hard, harder to have that conversation, because everyone is so radicalized, like I know that now we probably won't have the unity that I was just talking about, because everyone is so divided. Everyone is so in their own camps, and everyone has been so brainwashed into believing that these super far sides are the only answers, whereas I believe, if everyone is to and I know this will never happen, but if everyone cools their jets and like and really comes back down to reality and worries about what's going to happen in their. Lives right now, and worries about what you actually believe in, worry about what I actually believe in, and we all sit down and try and have a respectful conversation, I think people would have that realization of like, we're all just people, and we all have different beliefs, and we could all respect and at least show some level of love and compassion towards each other. But you're right in this context, with the discussions happening with what's all happening again, like, and you're saying with people wanting to ban things and want to jump straight on to, you know, stringing this person up and crucify them, or whatever, like, that is the current context for it. And you're right. I don't think we, I can't see, you know, peace coming out of that. But I'm saying, like, I'm I'm talking about, like, we're at the finish line of of a decades long situation that is like, that is built to this, at least, it's what it feels like from, you know, the the world that I grew up in, the world my parents used to tell me in, tell me about, you know, as they were growing up. And so it's like, even since, you know, probably well before my parents' time. I think this probably was festering into what it is right now. But it's like, I'm just trying to be like, realistic, or it's like, I mean, I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but Well,
I'm looking at some polls here, I see something. No, this was dated September 18. 28% of Democrats say us better off if Trump were assassinated. That's a lot of people, unfortunately.
Well, it was our sitting president who said there needs to be a target on Trump. He, he did this. So he, he's inciting people to do this. I
wouldn't even say it's him. I think it's so much of again, yeah, years and years and years of the media painting him as the worst person imaginable. You know what I mean? Well, you know, I
watch a lot of I watch a lot. I
don't think that. I don't think that helps, I don't think that helps the case. But I watch a lot
of news related streams, and I'm telling you, they've got some people out there that on the Democrat side, they cannot, they can't even speak the amount of hatred that spews from some of their mouths. It's like you would think they, they that Trump killed their their dog or something. I mean, it's just, it's abs, it's irrational, yeah, it's absolutely rational, because, you know, oh, he sparked January 6, and he was trying to overthrow the, you know, US government and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and, like, you know, come on, really. I mean, I've never, ever despised a US President. Yeah, I don't know these people, right? I really don't, but
again, but again, like I said, if you look at it from the perspective of like, people that are probably on the different side of the political spectrum than we are, that are, that are day in and day out, inundated with that belief of like, he is the he is the enemy. He is the enemy period. And are told all these awful things. It's, I find it hard. I find it hard that like that people wouldn't believe that. You know what I mean, that like it just it is the narrative that has been set before those people that may be in a different political spectrum than than I'm in, and now get radicalized to this like level of like hatred for a person, even though you don't even
know it's not like, it's not like he's an unknown commodity. He was president, so there's a record, right? Did he? Did he put people in chains? And did he change the he didn't do anything. He kept us out of war. Economy was great. Less
than 30 years ago, Hillary Clinton was standing right next to him, taking a picture and saying, we need to elect somebody like Donald Trump as president. Oh, what did he do wrong? Yeah, he ran against Hillary Clinton. That's what it was, that's what happened.
And just just something else here I see 62% think Trump's security should be increased, and 32% disagree. So there is a, there is a sizable percentage of the of people out there who basically want this man. That's
what I'm saying, is like
you like he's gonna take away their free shit. I don't think he's gonna take away their free I
personally think it's, it's I think it's a combination of things. I think I've said all along. I do believe what's behind this is the military industrial complex using the intelligence apparatus use, and we all talked about some of the things our intelligence apparatus has done, what sort of experiments it's been involved in with mind control. And you can't tell me that they have infiltrated our media. There's very. Common knowledge that the CIA dictates what gets what get gets published. You know, they can quash a story. You know, what was it not long ago? Or was it the congressman from New York, Schumer, mentioned on some program he was on about, you don't want to get under the hour the intelligence community, you know, wait a minute, these people work for us, supposedly, right? We don't work for them. And I really believe that Trump is a threat to the established norms of how they want to do business. No, he
said it one one day, he was on an interview, and he said, You know what? They don't want me. They want you. I'm the one standing in the way.
Well, they could be. I think a lot of which driving this is the is the ability to go wage war. There is no money to be made when everybody's singing Kumbaya together. There just isn't. And it's sad to say that, because that basically means there will never be peace, because there's no financial incentive for peace. Yeah, at all it is. The financial incentive is for people to be killing one another, right? So that means I need to make more airplanes more I really believe that pull out from Afghanistan and leaving all that stuff behind
was on purpose. Now you have to pay for it to replenish. Yeah, we got, we need, we need orders. You got some people to go attack now, because now they got all your weapons Exactly. Hey, we
got to give them something to they would be a threat, right, right? I mean, it's none of that really surprises me. It why I've often analyzed what is the real reason they hate Trump? They can't, and I'm telling
not part of the military industrial complex number one, but lo and
behold, what Republicans are now endorsing, Kamala Harris,
I don't know the military industrial complex. Cheney,
really? Liz Cheney, the people that Democrats hate it. Yeah, they would consider Darth Vader. Remember the talk when the during the Gulf War, my god Dick Cheney's the evil incarnate and all this stuff, and now they're embracing him like he's the greatest Singson sliced bread,
because Trump doesn't play their games. Don't play the game. Interesting and Biden. I don't know if I told you all this or not, but Joe Biden actually has been proven something. Did you know that you actually cannot multitask? It is a medically, psychologically impossible to actually multitask. You cannot do two things at once, but Joe Biden has been proven to be the first person in history to be able to multitask. Did y'all know this? This? This was out just coming up. He is the only person that can walk up the stairs of a plane, shit himself and fall down the stairs of the plane all at the same time. Stop it. The true first multitasker. But no, he doesn't play the industrial military industrial complex game. He was the first president ever, I think, not to get us inside some type of a boots on the ground whore. And I'm telling you that. Mean that takes money out of these. Do not
understand right now what is going on with with our country pushing for world war three. I mean, we want to, right now. They want to give missiles to punch him into Russia. Yeah, and I'm sitting there going, well,
that's only one crazy. That's only one front. What was at the end of last year, Blackrock gave the Chinese government $453 million to enhance their military. Why are they not. Why did they not have all of their money seized, all of their assets? These
corporations now don't play by the same rules at that at one time people play. These are transnational corporations. They don't believe in countries, that's right. They don't believe in borders. Yep, they are an economic engine unto themselves. And if I don't, if I need to, for these people to come in to I'm going to do whatever I can to to to undermine my own country. That's me
money. That's what I'm going to do. You know, Blackrock state? Street and Vanguard manage $68.3 trillion
I just that
is, I can't even think about that now
you're literally getting into owning countries. No,
you're owning all of the countries, because all of the countries added together don't equal that.
So that's what I'm saying. Is, you know, that's what I'm saying. What is the reason they hate Trump because he interferes with the established way of doing business? It just is. And so how they do about they manipulate the news because they own all these media companies, and there's enough gullible people in this country that we're going to talk about abortion. And I have to call out women that literally make abortion a single issue. Vote for them and vote on Meanwhile, let's just burn everything down. But if I got my right to an abortion, oh, then all is good.
Oh, this is the same party my problem. That said, you have the right for your body to have an abortion, but then want to do mask mandated vaccinations because your body is not yours. It's
such a no, it's such a screwed up deal that we have people that are so can be manipulated the way they are. And it's not if it's not abortion, then it's trans stuff, right? Who's pushing this stuff? These are all distractions from hiding from the true of what they want to do is to basically go out and launder money through wars. That's where all this is. And it just it aggravates me that people don't see that
well, it's all about the information. It's propaganda, only one narrative they're dumbing down. How long have I said this on this show? They're dumbing down America and our educational values, they are actually changing the meaning of words, government and media censorship and perpetual emergencies and crisises. And then we get into surveillance. We can get back Brandon, back on this, you know, transhumanism, brain chips, microbiome surveillance, online surveillance, location tracking, CBDCs and all spending surveillance. They just had somebody on the internet had a Capital One Bank card who was buying something and his card was declined. And the reason it said I think he was buying ammunition is that Capital One does not support this type of purchase. Hello, that goes into control, digital IDs, vaccine, passports, 15 minute cities, travel restrictions, one world, unelected government, public, private dictatorships and militarized police and bioweapons. And that was the word I was looking for, our DOJ, the militarized, you know, policing.
Well, I'm just I cannot believe how supposedly close this race is
i Is it or is it, well, fixing?
To bring that up that, you know, I sometimes doubt. I have to doubt some of these polls, because I don't know where her support is coming from. I mean, I'm sure she's got a small, loyal group of people of like minded politics like her, but anybody with any common sense could go she was the least liked VP candidate ever. She got no and she's never got a zero. Never talk about what's so the irony of this, somebody that talks about Trump being a threat to democracy, here she's running for president. She had zero votes from her own party.
Well, first off, we need to stop Trump is not a danger to democracy. Number one, America is not a democracy. We really got to stop saying that America has never been a democracy. Never will be. We are a constitutional republic, but we
have democratic principles. I guess that would probably be the best thing. The idea, the idea that my vote, that government officials work for me and my vote is, is, is is that matters and counts, and unfortunately, now there's a lot of people believe. I don't feel like they I can do anything now to affect my government.
So tell me zero like Joe Biden beats Trump, supposedly in the last election and got more votes. Actually than President Obama did, and he never left his garage to campaign. They stayed his basement, stayed in his basement, and now, magically, the original hot tua girl now is ahead of Trump in the polls again. Yeah, whatever. Really no, but this comes down from, you know, Blackrock Vanguard and State Street, owning the media, giving the one narrative. Oh, she's, she's the best thing going. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They're all saying it because they're trying to brainwash the American public and to believe in this. Well, I
mean, I'm gonna tell you what's what's telling. I mean, you saw right here the news with the Teamsters, yes, for the first time, they refused not to endorse any 50 years not to endorse anybody.
But the problem is, is they took a vote, and over 60% of the Teamsters voted to support Trump, right? And the the lead of the Teamster said, Okay, we're just not going to support anybody. Well now the teamsters are mad, because, no, you made us vote on this, and now we did. Now you go and do it well,
I tell you, then, to me, them not making an endorsement is speaks volumes. Speaks volumes, yes. Because, believe me, if it was, it would be parading that out. The people
of the Teamsters voted, and here you come down to your democracy now or not, if they voted to support Trump, why aren't they doing it? They made them vote on this issue. Who do you want us to support? And they came out and said, Trump, and now, magically, they're not going to do anybody. We're just not going to do it
because they didn't go their way. Didn't go there. Well,
they say polls conducted by the Florida Atlantic University's political communication lab found Trump received a bump in support among voters in Virginia and Georgia after the first assassination attempt. So you know, I personally believe that when people go into the booth, they got to pull the lever. I think a lot of people supposedly are going to pull up it from I just do because I just don't I cannot see how anyone can vote for this person that absolutely has done nothing has been a disaster from day one. And you know, Jordan Peterson made a an interesting it was, I just if I could vote, and he can't vote because he's not an American citizen, he goes, I would vote for Trump because I cannot trust Kamala Harris, because you don't know what, who I mean right now, with Joe Biden basically being absent,
proves to me You don't even need a president, which is scary?
Oh yeah,
which is scary? Well, a couple of you don't need a present coming
to light right now. Are some of her videos. She actually, there's a video of her saying that you don't think just because you have guns, we aren't going to come into your locked door and either take them or make sure you have them secured, right?
We are, and as I'm saying, it's this is a we're in new territory with this. We've never experienced this. I'm gonna tell you now, Reagan experienced some of this. Yes, yes, he did, but Reagan was an outsider, just like Trump, just like Trump. I mean, I remember the talk during that time, and I was young, but I remember the talk about, oh, Reagan's going to bring us into World War Three, and on and on and on and on and and I kind of, I kind of get the same kind of tones I got with Donald Trump, yes, and that's because he's not a part,
because they didn't play that game. Reagan didn't get us into any wars. Now, he did some things that weren't really cool, but you know, he's the one who brought down the wall, he beat the Russians, made him go bankrupt without firing a shot. Well,
a lot of people were that whole Iran Contra deal, and I think probably Reagan, by that time, was experiencing some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's, and I think he probably wasn't all there. It happens, you know, it happens, but, but I use that analogy because I do see a lot of similarities. Of course, back at that time, there was no social media. You know, basically still had three channels, three channels, so they had to get the most important information in that 30 minute window they had, and you had to share that time with weather and sports. But
who do they attack? So venously. Who do they attack so venously? Ronald Reagan was a Democrat turned Republican. Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat turned Republican. Hey, Donald Trump, Democrat turned Republican. JD Vance, Democrat turned Republican. Well, I've had this saying, and I've said it before on the show, and I'm going to say it again. If you're not a liberal when you're 18, it proves you got no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're 40, it proves you have no brain, right? It's that simple.
Well, unfortunately, I mean, I mean, look at just look at what's going on though, who generally supports the Democratic candidates. And I hate saying
people that want something for free. Well,
it a lot of women. There are a lot of women that fall within now, single women, let me, let me make a distinction. If you look at the numbers, single women favor Democratic candidates. Married women favor Republican candidates. And I wonder why.
But it was also the Democrats that voted no for them to vote, 100% of them. Well, I
mean, you know, look, I mean, I mean, we can go back in time, and, you know, women should
go back in time, and that's the point. The greatest predictor of the future is the past, I
mean. But unfortunately, though, I mean, I think there are a lot of people who vote who don't have a clue, and it just they really do, and here you're pulling the lever for someone that you don't even it's all a lot of it's based off emotion. It's all based off emotion, you know, and not logic. And unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that just don't. They don't think. They really don't. It's all, you know, quick and I, you know, I'm not thinking long term. I'm not thinking consequences. I'm just going to vote because I feel good right now.
Think about that we've been talking about that that's why our education system is the way it is. They wanted dumb people, slave type people, to work and vote in the way that they wanted. They wanted brain, watchable people. That is why the education system is the way it is today. They wanted stupid people to control. People are finally starting to wake up and see what's really happening now. But there's a lot of hopefully we wake up in time.
There's a lot of people to Stoney that her that are absolutely want America to fundamentally transform. I've got family members that vote. Never thought in what they would ever vote for someone like camelize, but they're going to vote for Kamala Harris because I hate Trump, or in some cases, they want a different America. They want a different America. They want government mandated health care for everyone. When you talk to young people today, you know they'll tell Well, why? Why would I not want to have everybody to have health
insurance because they don't want to pay for it. They don't,
that's, that's, well, maybe so, or maybe, you
know what? Everybody, you know, everybody can have go out and get a job where they provide health care. How hard is that? Go out and get a job where they provide? Well,
they'll say, but there's that thing. There's still going to be millions of people that are, that are, don't have insurance, and I understand that from a humanistic standpoint, I get it. I get it at the same time, though, we don't live in a perfect world. We've got to find ways where we incentivize people that would want to practice medicine right where there's a profit motive involved with it, and with that comes some degree of compromise that you're not going to be able to just give health care to everybody, because if you give health care to everybody The way it's practice in other countries. I'm not saying there may be a better way of doing it. No one's been able to come up with it that method yet, but the way it's it's in other countries,
there's a lot of people that are there's years before people can see a doctor on some serious issues. Try living in Canada right now exactly. So that's what I'm saying. So they take you up to five years just to find a general practitioner in Canada. That's,
that's I'm saying that's one issue. But you understand why people vote the way they vote, because they have these ideas. Their mind that, okay, in my world, if this person gets elected, then this outcome ultimately will happen. But
you see, that's the fear. That's what these big corporations and governments are using. What they don't understand is, is it may take you five years to get that general practitioner, but if you're in too much pain, what we can do is offer you assisted suicide. This is by the same corporations and governments that want to kill 5 billion people by 2050 Okay, so they're giving you this great idea over here, but not telling you the real truth. You go to Canada and right now, if you're in too much pain, they'll be glad to kill you, and they'll even let you do it, and you can have now a big party, a going away party, before you do it. Does that sound like a movie we saw a while back? Yeah, I can't sorry about the brain damage again, but I can't remember what it was, but that's what the state of you know, healthcare for everybody is right now will kill you. Can't carry you, but we can kill you.
Well, you saw that. I saw Harris was was Oprah Winfrey hosted her at a event in Michigan. Matter of fact, it's so funny because I'm reading this article out of Al Jazeera. So why is Oprah's endorsement significant? A 2013 study conducted by economist Craig garthwaite of Northwestern University and Timothy J Moore from the University of Maryland found Oprah's endorsement resulted in about 1 million additional votes for Democrat Barack Obama, who also endorsed Harris in 2008
Well, there she's a cult.
I've got nothing else to say, so I'm not saying anything at all.
There's a cult of you know her. There's actually a religion founded based on the Oprah stuff. It's just a big cult, is what it is. And those people are going to follow and vote no matter what she says, Whatever she says, they're going to do it. Everybody gets a car. Everybody gets it.
Well, I mean, you know, the same thing that you saw with Taylor Swift and her endorsement of Kamala Harris, which, you
know what 95% of her songs of popularity are about, picking the wrong person. Why would anybody actually believe or think about what Taylor Swift said? Yeah, well,
Taylor Swift is Swifties, you know, I don't anybody that you know, but you know, she has an effect on young girls. Yes,
she does, just like Oprah has an effect on older women, older, middle aged women, single women, yes,
you know, her legal birthing is orpa,
really? Yeah, she
changed, I think, at some point in time. But I think she was born as orpa. I think it's funny, wow, like I said, I have nothing really nice, you know, what's
really sad about this whole thing is we've had to do another show on a second attempt, yeah, more than in how many weeks. I mean, honestly, former sitting president. I mean,
I just, I'm, I'm, I'm nervous for the future of, like, I don't think it's gonna get again. Like, let's, like I said before, regardless of the outcome, if it's Kamala Harris, if it's Trump, like, I just don't, I don't, either way, they'll be good. No. Like, I just think there's gonna be either more attempts on his life or, like I said, heaven forbid, a successful attempt on his life while he's acting president, which, I don't want that to happen, or we're going to be under some freaking regime underneath Kamala that I'm like, I don't, I don't know, just and then again, I then I also try and think, like, long term where I'm like, I'm trying to think four years down the line, what's going to happen after that, at that point, because Trump can't run again, right? No, he's already had two. If it would be, if he was to have another,
it would be, it would be, you can max, you can be president. It is eight years. So
I thought, yeah. So now, now I'm sitting here thinking, like, I mean, what it who's going to be our next?
But then, like, you asked the question earlier, unless there's a war, but if there's a war, and that's why they were trying to push the war with Biden as president, yeah, so that they could suspend all the legal stuff. And yeah,
that happened. That happened with FDR. FDR, yes, and we were in a world war at the time, but I don't think,
you don't think they would have tried to push that had we entered into a war.
I mean, they probably would have. But was that the ultimate goal? Probably not. I
mean, the only way, I think, the only way I think that that would have a possibility of working, that they would be enough. Fear, yeah, they'll allow that would have to be some nuclear event, yeah, yeah, because all bets are off at that point 100% you know, if all of a sudden we're sitting around, all sudden, our phones alert, yeah, a particular city got hit by a dirty bomb, wiped out, got hit by a dirty bomb. You know, 300,000 people are dead, yep, areas contaminated. Now for, you know, um, teen, million years, how that might affect the psyche of people. And I, you can, you could see someone persuasive enough to say, well, we got to keep discerning, because we're in a moment of crisis, you know. Well, it might, might, it might. It just depends. You know, fear has a way of making people do things they never thought they would do.
I just, I don't know, like I said, looking forward long term, not talking about the whole war situation, but like, once Trump is out of the, let's say he gets another four years and he's out of the picture. So in 2028 right? Is that now? Like, who is the net? Like, what is the again, like I said, it's, it'll, it always, just it always, it feels like it's always escalating. And I feel like, like, maybe there'll be a lull, and they won't be but it's like, but I just feel like, like, how much more are they going to go against the other, the new person?
It's not going to matter. And this is what I tell people all the time, if you have another Republican candidate who's somewhat like a George Bush type. Yeah, you won't get the same kind of you'll get some. The Democrats will throw some at him, or they might not throw any, because if he's whoever is the next Republican after Trump, whoever that person is, if they embrace his agenda, yeah, they're going to get attacked. If they embrace the worldwide Military Industrial Complex agenda, you'll probably be fine. You'll probably be you'll have some little tic tacs here and there, but beyond that, you won't have any. That's the key, yeah, because Democrats will always attack Republican. Republicans are always going to attack Democrats. It's just, if they're kind of on our team, then I don't want to attack them too much, right? You know what I'm saying? It's like, okay, we gotta, we have to kind of keep it kind of in the in the room, so to speak.
Well, it's kind of like what you're talking about earlier with, you know, the industrial complex people now supporting the Democrats. They are cheneys and all this. I mean, Robert F, Kennedy said it another that's another name. I was going, Robert F,
Kennedy Jr has said it best. He goes, my father would not recognize the Democratic party today at all This is back at that time, the Democrats were the party of of the poor people, yeah, of the of the union worker, of the policemen, firemen, the construction worker. You know, those are the kind of people that were Democrats. And it's just flipped. The Democrats. Now are the party of big tech. Oh yeah, you know, they're, they're, they're anti oil, but they're, they got enough big industries that a lot of them, the wealthiest, the wealthiest districts, are Democrats. It's so funny how it's, it's switched, yeah, over it's the two parties are not even remotely of what they used to be 25 years ago. At all 100% Republicans are like Democrats of what they were 50 years ago. Republicans then well or libertarian or
what Democrats say they are. Republicans are for the people. The Democrats say they're for the people, but they, they are the ones who voted, you know, to keep slavery. They're the ones who voted against, you know, women voting. They're, they're, they say they're for the people, but they're not. They've, they've hid it really well.
So well, you know, you know the idea that, you know, people say the Democrats were this, or Democrats or that. I mean, I parties are what they are based upon what the world was at that particular time. So people say that, you know, you know Democrats were for slavery and all that. Well, you know what most of the world was at slaves, and that was somewhat of a common occurrence. So, you know, the Republican Party was birthed with the abolitionist in mind. But there were a lot of Republicans that were probably apathetic when it came to the issue of. Slavery. I mean, most of the issue of abolitionists arose out of the few northeastern states to where it kind of came out of. But, you know, we've had a in essence, of a fundamental issue, I would venture to say, what's going to come up. And people have talked about this, who's the third party, right? And I personally think what you're going to start to see is libertarians become more and more because, to me, Republicans, the more extreme version of Republicans, yeah, now drift more into libertarianism, right? Whereas the centrist Republican probably mirrors more what Democrats pushed 50 or 60 years ago, yeah, in many cases now. I mean, you, you've got See how it's and then Democrats today, for a lot of them, are just full on Marxists now, I mean, they literally want, they favor more of a socialistic, communistic type country.
Well, Kamala Harris is a card carrying Marxist, right? Her dad was a Marxist and a Marxist instructor. It's
funny how he's not really been, you haven't heard nothing about him. No, they've kept him under wraps.
Well, they keep saying that she's African American. She's not African American. Well, her daddy was Jamaican. No, her daddy was Indian from Jamaica. But you don't hear the truth.
I mean, look, the problem is, if we got mate, we've got a massive problem. And I hope that whatever they do, they fix this issue with Trump and his security, give him the resources he need to get you through the election, and we'll see what happens. But, I mean, right now. It's, it's, it's, it's, we're in a dark place, right?
And y'all go back and listen to if you're not already paranoid, it's probably too late. And some of our prepper episodes, because we might be needing them in November and December. Oh, man,
all right. Well, what a heavy episode. But, uh, I think I was telling the guys at the top of the show on Spotify. Now if you, if you do listen on Spotify, you can scroll down, and there's a way you can actually go i'll leave a comment on the episode as well. Not sure if there's like, a character limit on that or not, but I now have the ability to access the comments on on there. You can also comment on the YouTube channel. You can type, in retrospect, pod on most of the most any platform that you can probably find us. We also have the email address get offended, for some of those little more long winded responses episodes like this, I feel like I always get a little nervous that, like, people are just gonna, like, start shaking their fist and start saying something. So if you want to let us know how you feel, those are the avenues that you could do that please subscribe to the podcast and all the channels or whatever you prefer. We really appreciate it. And until next week, thank you so much for listening. Bye, bye, Goodbye, everyone.
God bless.
Hey. Thanks for hanging out with us today. You're the best. Peace.