
The 2024 Presidential Election | Retrospect Ep.163

Ian Wolffe / Stoney / Jason Episode 163

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In this week’s episode we discussed this year's Presidential election. I know we have been anticipating this moment for a while, and it's hard to believe that it's already here. We share some of our thoughts and feeling on the verdict. As well as what we think will happen in the new year.

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Welcome to the retrospect podcast ashore. People come together from different walks of life and discuss a topic from their generations perspective. My name is Ian, and, as always, I'm joined by Jason. Hello, everyone. It's Stoney. Hello. How's it going?

Well, well,

before we get on, before we like, jump right into the big topic, I said no from the title, everyone's gonna know what this episode's about. I had a, I just wanted to say quickly, even though it was a super, like, hot and humid weekend that was like, it rained, like, in between all of it, I had like a had a show on Friday that I was a part of, like, outside getting ready for the football game on Saturday. And then, of course, that whole thing happened with the football game, but I had some chance to hang out with some friends on Saturdays. Like, this whole weekend was, like, it took a lot out of me because it was just like, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, one thing after the next. So, like, I'm coming here today, like I was able to rest this morning, but like, I still feel like I'm a little hoarse from, you know, all this shenanigans that were being had, but that was, like, the kind of the cap of, like, what was happening this week, because it was very busy. A lot of things happening, a lot of stuff happening. We're in November now, so we're gearing up for the holiday season and all that stuff. So it's like, which I'm like, I cannot, I do don't even get me started. It's

already, no, it's already, I November, yeah. So yeah, I mean, we're now the year. It's just flown by. Where does time go? I mean, it doesn't

help that again, around here, it only got briefly cool and, like, for like, a week in October or something. But

I think it's coming. I saw some long range where there's some two cold fronts and, okay, coming through. So it's just

reason why I said that was, is it, even though it's mid November, it doesn't feel like No at all. But so it's like it just feels a bit that's not

necessarily unusual for us. So there's, I could remember many years with December feeling like this, oh yeah. So I mean, it's, it's what happens? Is it, when it does come it's gonna kit. It's good. It's gonna be a massive drop. It's not, there's not gonna be a gradual turn. It doesn't work that way for us in South Louisiana, Here today, gone tomorrow. Yeah, it's, it'll be a cold front. Because I know my girlfriend was talking about this the other day. She's like, can't wait for some cold weather. Now I actually, Friday, I went ran 16 miles, get out. Oh, you're still preparing for your thing. Yeah, for the full Yeah. I mean, I ran for about three hours. Oh my gosh. But I and I was sweating. I mean, I was drank. It was, it

was like the perfect storm. It was like, upper 70s, really high humidity and, like no wind, so it just felt like you were just, yeah, just

running through a veil of water. But, I mean, other than that, I mean, it was, it wasn't hot, per se, but the humidity is would get you, you know, that's what makes it harder. Because, you know, in the coming weeks, you know, my goal is to do a 20 mile run. Okay, so

you have a set time. You said you're well, I, you know,

I'm judging that right now. I've never done this, but I've never run this far, so I'm seeing how far, you know, how long it takes for me to run. So it took me about three hours to run 16 miles. Okay, you know, you tack on another four miles, and then you're at 20 miles. So you know now you're approaching three and a half, maybe three hours 45 minutes, depending on how fast you you move, right? So I'm in a, I'm in a, you know, kind of a mode right now, and I'm kind of wanting this cool weather, oh yeah, to just help out a little bit so I can run out there and because I'm gonna have to start running it, like leaving my house at like, 630 in the morning, yep, because I don't want to be getting to 11 o'clock and I'm still running. It's just too long.

It's, I know how long three hours is, but whenever you're doing something for three hours is when you realize, like,

start. I tell people all the time, I said, You mean you're running for three hours. I mean, that's a few weeks. Luckily, I have some good podcasts I listen to when I'm running and some other things. But, yeah, it's been a it's been a good week, and we hadn't and we had some some crazy things. Oh, yeah, happen? And

what? What happened? Did something happen? Really? Yeah, what happened? Something

happened, at least for some people out there, it was a momentous. I

think for everybody, it's momentous. Just for some people, it's positively momentous, and for some people it's negatively momentous. How you

view the world. But yes, we, we had a presidential election. Good,

and Donald Trump defied all odds. Oh, yeah, I don't think people realize what happened. Oh

yeah. Well, I think they're realizing what happened with the numbers. Yeah.

Well, I mean, what to me is, is fascinating. I mean, he won the popular vote, which, you know,

which that kind of surprise me.

Why does that surprise you? When you look at it like this, all the sudden, magically, from the last election, the Democrats lost 15 to 20 million votes. Magically, it doesn't surprise me, because we know that election was stolen now because the way Joe Biden and the crime family left the last election, they didn't have time. All the ballots were filled out in Joe Biden's name. They didn't have time to come back and fill them out under Kamala Harris. So you have more of a more important election now, and magically use lose 15 to 20 million, right? And

you look at the numbers, then this election was about the same as previous, previous elections. The numbers,

I think, from what I saw, is that the the total amount of voters this year was the same as what it was in 2008 roughly it was like, like, so another like, big, you know, big turnout, whereas the year is kind of preceding that, I think we're a little bit less than,

yeah, I think. But it's still kind of similar, of course, minus the 15 to 20 million illegal ballots,

right? Except for in 2020 when it was astronomically more than it had ever had.

Well, there was so many shenanigans going on that with the late night ballot drops and

and that started scaring everybody, because they didn't actually announce this election until 520 Wednesday morning, even though it kind of looked like Trump had won. It wasn't until 520 Wednesday morning that they actually come through and say, okay, Donald Trump has won this election, right?

And the reason why I'm surprised is because a lot of the media, a lot of a lot of the things that are very forward facing, felt like I had heard a lot of people talk or had changed their opinion recently favoring Kamala Harris, and that's why I was like, oh, so I think that there is a there is a group that I think is larger than I'm imagining. That I think light Kamala Harris more than I thought that they did. Did

you hear this from people themselves? Yes. Well, I

was also media. I was gonna say most of what's the media trying to know, I know built her up. That's what I'm saying. And I didn't work. I'm just saying I was privy to that where I was like, Okay, I'm seeing that somebody. I'm see. I'm being influenced in some way by the media because of that. Well,

I like what happened within 24 to 48 hours, the announcement, the first three major things is, is when Wall Street opened up. Wednesday, they had a record day. Then the feds came out and announced that they were going to drop the rates. Oh, yeah. And,

you know, and then every every major country that has anything against us, we're all like, we're gonna be cool. Well,

the migrant caravan at our border dissolves. Hamas calls for an end to the war. Bitcoin reads a record high. Putin says he's ready to end the Ukraine war. Qatar kicks out all Hamas leaders. The EU says they will buy us gas now, and not Russian gas. Putin will sell oil now in US dollars again. Remember, he was the one who came out and wanted to get rid of that. Zelensky phones Trump and Elon Musk, the New York mayor now says he will end all vouchers for illegal aliens. Mexico will now stop all migrants at the border. Now, China has come out and says they want to work peaceably with the United States of America and big US companies are moving out of China. Yep. I mean, wait, what

the thing that got me the most was looking at, like the like the county demographics and like, whenever I saw that. Now, I know this isn't like a one to one reflection of the amount of population in the state, but when I saw that an overwhelming majority of the counties in California were all red, I was like, Wow, I'm

there's a lot of conservative common sense people that live in that state. They're unfortunate. They just outvoted by the land. The

only areas that she actually won were the ones that did not require ID. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, think about that, right. There.

I'm telling you is my hope that the Supreme Court eventually rules in all federal elections, voter ID must be used, and whether it's a driver's license or a birth certificate

something, something to

prove who you are.

The first female Chief of Staff was appointed, yeah,

from what my understanding, from what I've read about her, and what many people think of her, she's the architect of that. She kept all the leaks contained. She's Yeah, let me tell you what makes people like her valuable. You know, what about, about what really jumped out at me, she didn't want the spotlight. Yeah, there you go.

She's got it now. She

didn't want the spotlight. Matter of fact, Trump, remember, at his speech, tried to bring her up to thank her. And she was like, No, I'm like, into being back. And so to me, those are the people that generally are not looking for that. Oh, look at me. Look at me. Look what I did. I you know, thank me for this. Thank me for that. I think, I think he's going to have a very strong administration. You know what was unique about this? I never thought I would see a coalition build. You think of all the factions that came together from Tulsi Gabbard, who you two ran as a Democrat. Kennedy. JR, Robert F Kennedy. Kennedy Jr, yeah. Elon Musk, a lot these all were once Democrats, yeah. And basically said that. You know, in many ways, Ronald Reagan said the same thing about the Democratic Party. Donald Trump was a Democrat. Ronald Reagan party left the party left me. And there are many liberals out there, and I do distinguish between liberals and progressives, because I believe they're totally two different animals. There's always been liberals, right? You know, we can always kind of agree to disagree on certain policies of how the economy works and social safety nets and stuff like that. You know, fair is fair, some of this crazy stuff that a lot of people try to diminish the trans issues right boys transitioning into females and competing against females and female sport. I believe I read something that the Olympic according the Olympic Committee, over 900 medals were awarded to trans men in women's sports. And somehow we're okay with that. And I'm like people wonder why people were getting angry about this stuff boys, because I identify as a woman, I'm gonna go have to go to the women's restroom. Yep, yep. Father's knowing their daughters were in locker rooms with these I mean, it's like, where? How did we get so far off the reservation, so to speak, when it comes to these day to day things, I still don't understand how the Democratic Party have allowed themselves to be hijacked by these nut jobs.

Did you hear Do you saw the discussions of like the Amish community that came out.

Oh, look, Ellen Bucha was was instrumental in getting yeah,

there's a whole lot of people, I

think that they won Pennsylvania, the Amish, number of Amish votes,

which is cool and kind of crazy at the same time. I

think it's going to be really interesting on January the 20th, because he's already preparing a number of executive orders. The first one, pipeline, yep. Second one, abolish all vaccine mandates. Third one, repeal 1986 Vax immunity law. Ban fluoridization everywhere, putting fluoride in toothpaste and water and etc, reorganize the FDA, FTC and CDC. That's where Robert Kennedy Jr is coming into play, because he's going to let him have free run. Ban toxic ingredients and food recognize vaccine injury and death. Ban GMO food and toxic pesticides allow natural remedies to flourish and recognize that vaccines cause autism.

I, you know, I'm, I'm a bit, I kind of walk the line with with vaccines. I mean, the fact of the matter is, when, when I was a child, you got vaccinated with polio, right? Right? Measles, you. Rubella, mumps,

but we've also pretty much cured those things. We haven't cured anything since that time, right? And

that's what I'm saying. So not all vaccines are to me, I think are bad. I'm not an anti Vaxxer. I do believe, believe me, people that lived with the ravages of polio would would have jumped at the opportunity to know that their kids could get protected, yep, from those kind of diseases. So, but I think it's

also the fact too, is like, there are some parts of the world that that still exists. So if we don't have the vaccines, we don't or we're not vaccinated, then that will have an outbreak here in the States,

where I think you need to be careful. Is what happened with COVID. And look, we all knew. People were screaming and hollering, panicking. They didn't know what the stuff was. The economy was shut down. Nobody was doing anything. Everybody was locked up in their house with a mask on. And it was almost like an apocalyptic, you know, movie that that we were looking at. I think vaccines, like anything, have to be tested. And it's unfortunate, they need long term, long term, right? And I think that's where, unfortunately, vaccines got a bad name, because the whole thing became politicized 100% but you know, not to say that COVID, a COVID vaccine can't be, you know, we have one, whether you know it's dubious or not, whether it's in it. I've seen some things about about what is in some of the Pfizer vaccine that I took. Yeah, okay, but I don't believe what the government was doing was firing people and making them I think that's when you right. You know, if you want to go get a vaccine. Go get

it. We also found out from the last episode that some of this vaccine stuff inside the bodies from the, you know, Shannon the mortician, are true.

Oh yeah, look, that's what I'm saying. It's not. It's not. I do believe, once again, it goes back to your body chemistry, because everybody reacts to these vaccines different, right?

And that's what that's like, the whole small sample size thing, right? I mean, a whole lot of people to test it on, when

people, when people join the military, oh, yeah, and they go overseas,

yeah, you walk a line, and you got four or five people on each side,

on your arm, you know. So you getting for malaria, for, you know, yellow fever, I mean all the diseases at one time ravaged people back in the day. So, you know, I'm not necessarily, I'm not an anti Vaxxer, but I what to me, what I am more now waking up to the fact, which I think is probably the, the most important, you know, issue of our day, right? Is our food supply, yeah, and what's in our in our food, and how, in some parts of the world, certain foods, they don't they, you can't clue these chemicals in them and in our food, we can and that's where I'm so happy. If there's anything I'm happy, of course, I'm I'm happy with the decision that Trump got elected because I thought vice president Harris had no vision, had nothing to communicate to the American people about what her administration would look like, other than she couldn't think of changing anything from Joe Biden and I had some issues with economic policy, some of the things they were spending money on, some of the things they were allowing to happen. And apparently

that's where Elon Musk is coming in, because they're going to create a situation for him to clean up the bureaucracy of the American government.

Well, I mean, you, but once again, what are you starting to hear now some of these governors and some of these liberal states, oh, yeah, right. You know, you started the governor of Illinois, you know he's going to fight against all this, you know, federal this. And the New York governor said the same thing. And you saw Gavin Newsom in California saying he calls a special session to Trump proof California. And, you know, I'm sitting there going, what do you think Trump

troopers just don't send another dollar to that state until they come on board.

I mean, what do you, what do you? What do you think he's gonna do? I mean, I

that's what we've talked about whenever you ask the question like, why are, why are so many people so vehemently against Trump? And I think it's because they have this idea. I mean, it doesn't help that sometimes he does say some things that, um. Um, doesn't, oh, hyper ball, yeah, or doesn't paint him in the best light. Or he has a rally where some people are saying some very offensive things to people, or whatever, and it's like, okay, like that makes it hard to like. But so I'm saying is like that, like, is it? But I think that the media and other people really paint and be this larger than life thing, when I think that he does have like a plan. I looked at online, the actual like from his website, specifically, what's it called? Did you

hear his video of the things he wants to do? The top seven or eight items? There was a video that came out from

what I see right here on his website. Specifically it says agenda 47 which is the President Trump's 20 core promises to make America great again and like so, I think again, they had the whole thing with, was it project 25 or whatever it was, right?

Or that, that people were going nuts,

 Oh, that wasn't him. Actually, it wasn't,

wasn't Harris. But the problem is, like, in here, in agenda 47 which is, like, his, like, official thing on his website and everything. Like, there are some of those things that still kind of carry over, not all of them, but there's some of those things that do. So it's, like, this kind of weird, like, what is, I don't know, you know what I'm saying, like, where it doesn't take much for I think that. I think

this is how people I think it's how people view Trump. Yeah, they're generally people who are more favorable to Trump. Take what he says, it kind of ignores what exactly he says and understands the meaning behind it, right? Whereas the other side takes every word that he says as gospel, and think that's exactly what's gonna happen. But I think that's

how far were they willing to go. Because was it Friday US Secretary of War, General Lloyd Austin issues orders to his military to not stop Trump from taking orders taking office, declares that the War Department will stay out of politics. Who is, who was asking him to stop Trump? Yeah, where did that? Why did he have to actually come out and say that? That means that somebody was telling him to stop it?

Yeah. Did I have a major problem with military leaders that have basically said, oh, yeah, I don't care what the American people voted on, we're going to do what we're going to do, and I'm going to tell you my first date, they would all be packing their bags. Well. He said, there's a there's a group of terrorists. They would be packing their bags. Thank you for your service. You're no longer needed.

There is a group of generals that will be putting their resignation on his desk by the 20th and that was every general over Afghanistan that just left all the $2 billion worth that was a debacle. He says, I will have those resignations

the ball. What an embarrassment to well,

that comes down to back to the people that work for the military industrial complex. Okay, because you lost $2 billion worth of stuff, now you got to replace it. Then you armed another enemy. So now you got to have more stuff so you can go fight them that was nothing but the Biden crime family pad in their pockets. But there is apparently another side of this that is causing some interest in people right now, an ABC news outlet in Alabama reports that witches have written on Reddit forum that their spells won't work like before against Trump, saying that they believe so many people are praying, therefore he has a shield, but a shield. Nonetheless, our spells are not working well. But for think about that, for people to come out and actually say that,

yeah, I just, you know,

the power of prayer, right? We, we talked about that with my accident and everything else

with that totally. And you know that to me, tells me what side wants, what side exactly, and when darkness permeates the other side. And you can't tell me anything good, that the other that, that the Democratic Party, that that exists today, anything, the only thing I ever heard was abortion, open borders and lawlessness,


and I, as I said, I go back what has happened to that party, from the party of JFK? Uh huh, that his wife was the president of the national right to life. Yeah, it's how far things have have changed. I've tell people all the time, the Republican party today is what the Democratic Party used to be right. It is, yeah, it's not even remotely the same party anymore. Now, the Trump has taken it's completely transformed. I believe we're in the process right now. Of you know, we talked about the fourth turning. Oh, yep, I'm wondering if this is the tumult This is the chaos that out of this a new norm will be established, whatever it may be. I don't know what it might be, how it might look in the end, but something we, as to me, saw, something very historical. You have divergent groups of people that traditionally voted different ways in the past, all of a sudden change? Yeah, I saw an interesting, also an interesting, a chart showing about the people who voted for for Harris versus the people voted for Trump, and where did they get their news? The vast majority of people voted for Harris got their news from legacy media. Interesting. So that means your traditional outlets? Oh yeah, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, right. CNN, Fox, you name it, whatever the case may be, what I would call legacy media, but you look at the other side, where did they get their media from? They got it from podcast, their phones, social media, social media. And I'm telling you, Elon Musk said something very poignant. He looked at the young. He says, you're now the media. You're the media now, right? And that excited me, that we no longer, I think we're breaking free of the supposed gatekeepers of truth, right? That come to find out they were not gatekeepers. They were they were mouthpieces of a political party, right? And they've lost their way.

Did you hear what Bernie Sanders had to say?

Oh, boy, he's vocal. Oh man, he's been really vocal.

I want you to hear this. He said, or at least this is what i This is the tweet that I had saw that was quoting him. And it said that it should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them, yes. And I was like, Oh, I that was, I was, I was not expecting that's so true. It's very Robert F

Kennedy, you know, he said that he goes, I mean, back in my day, I mean, the Democrat was made up of union people, of cops, of firemen, of what I would call the everyday blue collar guy that goes out. That was their platform for so long, and for whatever reason, at one time, the Republicans party controlled 70% of the wealth, and 30% were controlled by Democrats. It switched. The Democratic Party has become what Republicans used to be. Yep, they become the party of big tech, media, academia, supposedly, all the people that think they're better than everybody else. And it to me, it just blows. It just it's it drives me nuts to sit there and listen to these people react the way they do about and can't face reality. I mean, we all seen some of these shows the view, you know, Bill Morris got some, some, some interesting guests and in his reaction. But I do look at a lot of these social media personalities, and I watch their podcasts and and it's like some of them still can't get their their their hands around the idea that Trump won. And, you know, they won, he won the popular vote. So the the thing they could use, right? Well, okay, you just won the Electoral College, but you didn't win the popular vote. You didn't win the will of the people. Now that's gone.

That's gone, right? You know, that was one of the things that was when they started doing the demographics of who voted for who, the number of young people that voted the really young people that voted for Trump was way bigger, right than they predicted. And I think part of that is, is that this generation will be the first generation since George Washington not to be able to do better than their parents, right? And that's been kind of the American Dream for even the parents, for their kids do better than. Me or I'm going to do better than you. And this is the first one that they can't buy a home. This is the first one that they really can't afford food, they can't do things. And I think that spoke to them because the Democrat Party is not talking to them. They're talking down to them, and they're demanding that they vote just because I'm a color, just because I'm a woman, not because of the not because

of my everyday life. Yeah, you know, I can't afford to even get gas in my car anymore, or whatever the case may be, which is real life issues, real

life issues, and Donald Trump's been talking about real life issues. And the world recognizes that. How many people have called him. How many people have said, I mean, perceived enemies of America have come out and said, No, we want to work with him. We want to work with him. And what does he do? He's already on a peace mission. Hasn't even taken office, and he's already working on peaceful results in the world. Well, look,

I mean the fact in the matter is the world is a better place when the United States is strong, yes, and provide solid, common sense leadership, that this is what we got to do, and quit allowing all this stupid stuff pop up all over the world because it enriches certain people. And that's, unfortunately, what's happened, right? You know, we, I've always said, you know, we kind of lost our way a little bit. I mean, we have. I mean, it's, you know, the American empire, if you want to call it that. And you know that some people say it's not an empire, but we have to re evaluate sometimes, if the United States homeland is not benefiting from the arrangement, right, the world arrangement, and if we're providing all this protection, mean, you're starting to hear now, I watched a deal with with Justin Trudeau and in Canada, about their their their failure to put in 2% of their GDP. That goes to NATO, right? And Trump, you know, they all signed on to do this, and they haven't been able to do it. And I'm gonna tell you, the reason they haven't been able to do it is because they given all their their people, all these social programs, and there's no money left, right? And Trump is basically saying, You know what, you're gonna defend yourself, then you're not gonna put in your fair share. Then you know what? What's the point, right? You know, I mean, everybody's got to kind of pull their weight a little bit, which is only fair, which

is what America used to be. Everybody pulled their weight. And now that we have so many people on welfare and everything else,

you got to get back to a war, a country of of makers, of doers, that people that make things and produce things. That's what made America great. It wasn't just buying stuff. Well,

speaking of buying there's a there. There's a act coming out, hopefully, s 58 called the Pelosi act. Have you heard of this? That's a new law that's been introduced by Josh Haley. Senator Josh HOWLEY, sorry, preventing elected leaders from owning Securities and Investments. Interesting, because it was Pelosi who came in says, Why isn't it okay for me to buy and sell stocks when politicians extremely out produce the normal stock market exactly because it's true insider trading. Now, insider trading is illegal, but this act is supposedly going to present the politicians and their spouses and hopefully their families from owning or buying or selling stocks that they're in control or overseeing. Well,

there's problems. Once again, it's that corruption that sets in. And I know one of the things that Trump wants to do, which I think is a good idea, is preventing these people that are on these regulatory agencies to be hired by the companies that they regulated, which is a huge, that's a huge, you know, that's a no, no, you can't tell me, conflict of interest. Yeah, you can't tell me that's not a conflict of interest. And, you know, hey, you get on the FDA for, you know, for a few years, you grant us some favors, and then, you know, we'll hire you, paying you some exorbitant salary. Yeah, that's not the way this, this, this works. And so I know that was one of his, his changes. Uh, that he wants to make now, look, it's a very deep swamp, right? There's a lot of entrenched interests, oh yeah, that he's going to be running up against. And I hope he puts the right people in the right places. I don't know if y'all been following this Senate leadership struggle right now. And I believe it was corny and Thune were, I think the two leading one that were, I think Mitch McConnell has been trying to get those guys, one of those guys, in the leadership role, because, you know, kind of keep things going the way it is. And all the Maga movement is saying, no, we want Rick Scott in the Senate, because he's the only one that really likes Trump, you know. And so, you know, this is the things you gotta you gotta look at and to implement the things that he wants to implement, then you have to have Trump people in every aspect of of government to ensure that these things get get pushed through, because if not, they will get bogged down, but they'll make things difficult.

One thing I think kind of encourages me a little bit about it is that that I think, was different. I mean, barring the fact that maybe the election was stolen, or, however you want to, you know, chalk that up as I still think that there was probably a large majority of people who were still in favor of other candidates whenever Trump was in office, and I think some again, maybe this pendulum is swinging in a different direction now. But like with the numbers of the votes of the people that voted for Trump, it makes me a little bit hopeful that, like maybe there is more people that are kind of on his side, like the people are on his side more so, yes, having more people in his sphere like that to make things happen would be great. But I think it also helps to that, like, there's a lot of, you know, people this country are behind him as well as not well.

I mean, he they thought they were going to lose the house. Looks like they're going to keep it. He won. He's got the Senate. I mean, that's at least a good direction, which is key, since the Senate, who does the Supreme Court donation? So, you know, that helps.

So I could see, possibly with, you know, one or two, I could definitely see probably Thomas, possibly retiring once the Senate secured and to get another conservative like himself on the court. I know right now y'all saw the deal that the Democratic the Democrats were trying to get justice. Sotomayor to resign because she or her health issues, so they could install,

they could somebody before the 20th

Yeah, well, no, they talk about installing like Kamala Harris,

that's what I'm saying, just like sneaking around, or

just make him appointing her to the Supreme Court, and that way they would have a a liberal, A liberal justice. But I just saw that Justice Sotomayor saying, No, I'm not resigning. Sorry, 


you know. Okay, you know. So, yeah, who knows? I mean, but I mean just some of this, the and this is unfortunate, instead of making Trump out to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler, right? Which, to me, is an insult to every 100% Holocaust survivor that's still living today. Yes, to try to equate him to that, it's just nuts. And to me, it's irresponsible. It's irresponsible. And they all did it. They all did it. And it's, it's just to me, if you don't like him, that's fine, but at least attack him on maybe his economic proposals or his appointments. Okay, fair that's fair game, right? We all can understand that, but to sit there to try to make the man out to be the second that I would venture to say even more, the Antichrist, yeah, because that's basically what they made him out to

be, right? Or even just a killer, like, I don't think,

sit here and go, he was present for four years. I had this conversation with with a gentleman online who I knew used to live in my neighborhood, and he just but bonkers over this stuff, and I'm sitting there going, you know, he was president for four years. You didn't get hauled off and changed 100% and life was actually pretty good up into up until COVID. And I have my my issues with how that even came about.

That was one of the things that I actually enjoyed. Avoid watching in this election process was, what was Trump's accomplishments? You could actually list 10 or 12 accomplishments. We had peace. He had never got us into you know, there were a number of things with the lowest rates, the blah, blah, but you could list, well, what was Kamala Harris's accomplishments, and they would sit there, and you're looking at these people online, and all of these people, even Whoopi Goldberg, could not list an accomplishment of Kamala Harris, she's got none.

And the thing is, she raised $1 billion

Oh, yeah, and they're $20 million in debt, debt.

So all these celebrities that came out did concerts, and come to find out, it paid them a lot of money. So were you there? Because you really supported her? You only well

when you look at it, she had over $500 million in salaries. Donald Trump had $20 million in salaries, so they took all of this money and they paid their booty buddy friends to go ahead and make some money while they could pay them, and now they're $20 million in debt.

Interesting, after raising

over a billion dollars, you're still $20 million in debt, kind of mine, which

is crazy to think about, and

you got people like Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert. You listen to these clowns absolutely what happened to the days of of Carson. You know, no

one Walter Cronkite, no

one knew Carson's politics, right? He went after both sides. And to me, why these guys feel like they got to jump on the train on one side or the other and just simply be what you are. You are a comedian. Make fun of both. Because, believe me, you can go, there's plenty to be made fun of on both sides.

I think Don Rickles was the last cat that could go after both hardcore.

I think a lot of those talk show guys, I think they, I think they have, I guess, another conflict of interest thing. I think that they, I'm not saying they get paid by those kind of people, but I think they help make their lives a reality. You know what I mean? I agree with cushion lives. They have a lot of things that go for them. And, of course, there's a lot of things, I think the other side, you know, shake up. They

trotted out all these Hollywood people. You saw all the whole Marvel cast, which I would tell you, I'm about sick of these people. I really am,

yeah, but when you look at all the people they trotted out, that was all the people that went to Diddy's parties. That was a great little visual that I saw. People that supported Trump were Elon Musk, blah, blah, blah, Tulsi Gabbard, and then every on the other side was the list of Diddy's parties.

Wait, what I'm gonna tell you, that to me will be him releasing the list, oh, yeah, or the lib he's talking about, you know, I think he's gonna release the files on JFK

I saw. And this is what I'm saying, is, I think, and we talked about this in the fourth turning episode, a little bit the word, you know, we were saying that again, that episode was recorded well before the election, so we were still hypothesizing what the world would look like, you know, in the next four years to come. And I'm again, depending on I wasn't. I was like, I think what I said in the episode, and what I think I still kind of stand by in some regard, is that regardless of who wins, I think that there's going to be, like, a there's going to be friction, like, like, there hasn't been before. Like, I just think that both sides have these far ends of the spectrum that are so radical on both sides that I feel like whatever was going to happen, it was going to, you know, cause some sort of spontaneous combustion. But now looking at it and I and seeing how far over that the votes go, it makes me think that, like maybe there are, maybe, maybe people are ready for some sort of different change, more so than I was giving them credit for. I do think that the next four years are going to look different. I don't I'm hoping it's not Fingers crossed. Knock on wood, it's not as violent. I hope in the next four years there is change, and it's less violent change, and we're able to kind of all come to some sort of agreement and, you know, work things out. You know, I think that, yes, Donald Trump, I think can be a bit passionate and rah rah and gung ho, and I love that. Sometimes I think that kind of scares people and gets people worried. I do think he has said things that kind of make, you know, come across as a bit aggressive, but I think that that needs to be said, because I think we're in a situation like we are right now, where all these other. Powerful parties in the world are going, Okay, we gotta get our we gotta get our ducks together.

It is different. How do you dr Miranda and I were driving around the other day, and we noticed something that was different. What have you noticed? We listed a whole bunch of stuff that happened, but we noticed everywhere we went, gas was down 30 cents. When did you feel Have you filled up in the last week? Yeah, I was a lot less. It was a lot less.

It's, it's, it's going to get back to a more sensible energy policy that, you know, look, one of his chief supporters, Elon Musk, you know, he's big into his electric cars, right? But to me, that should be just an option, right? Sure, for people, if you want to build your fire. Buyer, Bo means I have no problem with that. I still believe, to me, what should have happened was the hybrid, hybrid way and that way hybrids, you got the best of both worlds, right?

Can I read off the the project 47 all our agenda 47

Yeah, please.

I believe it's on Donald J, I think I can't look at the whole URL. It won't let me type. It won't let me do it. I think, I think is Donald J, agenda 47 says the official 2024, Republican Party platform President Donald Trump's 20 core promises to make America great again. Number one is seal the border and stop the migrant invasion. Amen, carry out the largest deportation operation in American history. Amen, end inflation and make America affordable again, yes, make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far. Like we were right, stop outsourcing and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower, large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips, defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion and the right to bear and keep arms, prevent world war Three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great Iron Dome missile defense shield over our entire country, all made in America. End the weaponization of government against the American people, stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence and lock up violent offenders. Rebuild our cities, including Washington, DC, make them safe, clean and beautiful again. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it without a question, the strongest and most powerful in the world. Keep the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency, fight and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age. And the reason why I wanted to read this because the next one number 15, is cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly, burdensome regulations. Cut federal funding for any schools pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children. Keep men out of women's sports, deport pro Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again, secure our election, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots and proof of citizenship. And then finally, number 20 is unite our country by bringing it to a new and record levels of success. So that is, apparently, that is apparently the, the his, like, official thing, like I said on his website. So that's, you know, you know, from the from the mouth, so,

yeah, just to me looking at some of these reactions of of so many have y'all seen this? Was it before these girls that are now cutting their hair off and saying they're not going to have sex for four years, or, I

think I've heard this. I'm not, yeah,

it's this thing. It's you got these women that are going nuts over this, I mean, to be so deranged that you're gonna, you know, I'm not gonna have sex with men. I'm not gonna have their babies. Matter of fact, some one of them, mean, openly urged to basically become lesbian, for all intents and purposes.

Did you, I don't know all the details on this, but did you hear about the man who killed himself, his wife and his two younger children after the. Uh, election was, No, I

haven't heard that one.

I believe it was Wednesday. At some point there was a man. I think I don't, I don't want to speak. Somebody

looked that up. Let me look that up. Let me

see if I can't find it. Um, you know, I'm

right now looking at all these celebrities that are saying stuff about about the election, right? Um, right. I mean, especially the view good

Whoopi Goldberg would not even say his name.

Yeah. I mean, she, yeah, she, she goes, Yes, speaking at the start of Wednesday's episode, the view host Whoopi Goldberg refused to say Trump's name, telling viewers he's the president. I'm still not going to say his name. That's not going to change.

It says that a man by the name of Anthony, a man by name of Anthony, shot himself his wife and his two children after the November 5 election that brought President Elect Donald Trump into office, according to the authorities who spoke to the New York Post on Sunday, the 46 year old male Minnesota father had expressed anger over Trump's election. The shooter had a pattern of mental health issues.

Go figure,

we're just cleaning up the gene pool exactly one

day after authorities found some people shouldn't even reproduce.

So all these women saying that they're not going to have sex for a produce. I mean, look

at this. Comedy star Christina Applegate urged people to unfollow her if they were supporting Trump. What she said was a vote against female and disability rights. End quote. Unfollow me, because what you did is unreal. Applegate wrote, don't want follows like this, so yeah, done. Also, after today, I will be shutting down this fan account, and I have that I've had for so many years, because this is sick. She added, in a follow up post, my child is sobbing because her right as a woman may be taken away, and later apologized for her triad, stating, I'm still reeling and sobbing, but I'm not angry anymore, just going to go black into my bubble and watch a shit ton of Bravo shows. So peace to all. I suggest you do the same. Very soothing. I don't know what happens. This is

so unfortunate. Apparently, I think he had a 15 year old son and a seven I don't know that. I couldn't I think it was a 15 to 17 year old. Were the children. But it says that before the tragedy, Anthony had been sharing left wing and anti Trump posts on his Facebook stating that my mental health and the world can no longer peacefully coexist, and a lot of the reason is religion. And then that

was, let's be honest. When people, when you hear this kind of stuff like here, John Cusack said, Well, if you want to know what it really looks like, here it comes. While the Glee star Kevin McHale, who played Artie in a hit show, posted, Supreme Court gone for the rest of my lifetime. Ultra conservative, conservative, evangelical bigotry, xenophobia, racism is the mandate. How do you how do

you again? Again? I do you view the world. I do think that there i It's like I think I believe I said in the past couple episodes, or even that one where we were discussing the fourth turning that I do think that there is this, that there are these like super concentrated far sides. And I do believe that there are people like that, those super Evangelical, the ones that really conflate religion and and and politics, that make it really messy. I don't think that's a majority. I think those are, again, I think those are both loud minorities on either side of the spectrum, of course, but, but I don't think it helps. I think a lot of the media too. I think hyper fixates on them and makes it you know. Do

you know why you can't post the 10 Commandments in in a courthouse? Why is that? Do you know? Do you know why? I mean, and it's pretty simple, and it kind of makes a lot of sense, um, you can't post Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not commit adultery, and thou shalt not lie. You can't post the 10 Commandments in a courthouse, because in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians, it it automatically creates a hostile work environment. Well, okay, you see what I'm saying. It creates a hostile work environment.

But the thing is, this is what's very disturbing to me, is, is this idea, and let's be honest, the two things. That drive this stuff fear is the homosexual issue and abortion, okay, right? That's what drives all this stuff of saying xenophobia, homophobia and and destruction of women and on and on and on and on. It's like, how did we get to this point? Yeah, how do we get this point? Matter of fact, I had a very, I had an interesting discussion with a a friend of mine, and he's a, he's a deacon in my church. Maybe he's also a, he's a, he has a pest control company. So he came out to the house and was doing, yeah, right, you know, spraying.

I need to get his number. And we got some ants coming.

I got, I had a ton of ants in my house.

 I need to, I need his number before you leave today.

 Okay, but he, we were talking about that, and I said, you know, the biggest thing that I think what we're living with today, and it was said by Pope John Paul the second in The 80s, the biggest threat to to Western civilization is relativism, and unfortunately we are now living with this absolute embrace of radical individualism that the idea that there is no objective reality. There is no objective truth. It is what I think. It is right and we have now are living with the fruits of that kind of thinking that we have gone from where we were then to the Embrace as a country of full blown homosexuality as normal, and now it has morphed into trans stuff, where I can be a man or a woman, because that's just the way I feel. Right. I'm telling you it is driving a lot of the politics today, and I don't know what the answer is. So when I hear about all this, oh, it's going to be returned to this fundamentalist, you know, view of I'm sitting there going, What are you talking about? At one point in this country. We believe that we did, yeah. What changed? You know, we had this discussion, I believe was it maybe two episodes ago, Ian, we were talking about radicalism, right? Yeah, yeah. What is being radical? Is radical just a function of a time that you're living in,


Is it something that develops over time? I don't know, because to me, we live in a completely, radically different world than what I grew up in, when I'm not that old, right? Why did we get here? I

think, I think it could be that old. I'm not sure how, how true the analogy is, but I think it's the old analogy of, like, of, uh, throwing a frog in boiling water. Yes, you jump right out, but like, you put the frog in cold water, then you turn up the heat slowly, and, you know, stay right there.

I want to make sure. I want to let our listeners know I am not. I've never been a homophobic or transphobic, xenophobic. I don't fear any, fear anybody, but I do believe certain courses of thinking. I hearken back to an old book I read some years back, called ideas have consequences. I believe the author was Richard Weaver, very good book. Um, but we, we've got to get back to some sort of of of common sense when it comes to the human race. I mean, we really do, because where we're going right now is completely just off the reservation, and to sit back and to say, well, you know, he's going to appoint all these judges, and it's going to do this and do that. So what are they gonna do?


 What? Me, what are you afraid? I had a one time I had this lady, I was having this conversation with her freaking out over all this stuff. I'm like, What are you afraid of? Well, I'm afraid of it being a Christian, nationalistic country, and I'm going and what about being. Christian,

demonic, nationalist country

What is it about being Christian that is so what are you afraid of? And guess what? It comes down to. It's always about S, E, x, let's be honest, right? It is. Nobody wants to say it, yeah, but it

is, well, you're right. You're right about the pendulum. I mean, you know, mash is, was, is owned by Fox, right? And Fox was bought by Disney, right? So the pendulum swinging. Does that mean that Klinger is now a Disney princess?

No, you know it's,

I mean, the pendulum swings and, and it goes both ways. And for a while there we were very conservative, and our, you know, our sexual ideas and thoughts, and it's really swung the other way and, and it may have to swing back the other way. Now, it started in the 60s. But, you know, when you look at and I don't hate anybody, I don't if someone is gay, I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with deviance. Yes, okay, and that's a big thing. When you look at even like the Roman Empire. What destroyed the Roman Empire is internal corruption of the moral the moral fabric. What it came down to was two things destroyed. It. When two things happen at the same time, it will destroy any society. And that's blood sport and deviance, yep. Okay, and what was going on in the Roman Empire, you had the coliseums and the moral fiber into deviance came into it. And I have no problem with the the gays and the lesbians. That's if that's what you believe, I'm okay with that. But when you start wanting to change children at a chemical level, right? That is, there's a problem there, and I have a problem with that. That's not right. Well, that's what I'm saying. But see, but see, because now we're delved into the complete deviance of the nation. But then what is our blood sport? Because two things, I've looked two things have to happen at the same time, deviance and blood sport. What is our blood sport? Look at our movies and our games. That's our Coliseum.

Well, I would, I would venture to say football is the closest to COVID. That's

not blood sports. You have to what the blood sport is seeing the blood Yeah, okay, and that creates something. Look how desensitized we are now to violence, to violence, and that creates a situation, and that's the children. You started bringing your kids to the Coliseum. They wanted to see the blood sport. Then it was the will of the mass. Okay, with the thumb up and thumb down. Kill them. Don't kill them. Except, you know? And now we're in that in America right now, we have the blood sport, and we have the deviants happening. So I

like Chris Pratt. He's, you know, he's probably one of the better, to me, more sensible actors. But without endorsing anyone particularly, told his fans he is trying to make sense of the election through the eyes of Americans on both sides, urging people to unite as fellow countrymen, regardless of who wins. To me, that should be what right. That should be what it is. And as I'm saying, I just wish people wouldn't have all this fear about Trump being elected. He was president for four years, and none of the

bad. But you're right. But I think they again, it's just this. It's the slow build up that I think they they've always painted him as this, this larger than life villain character, and now they're just, I think they, they, I think that they, I don't, I don't know this for sure, but it's I from what the the the pulse that I'm feeling from the people on the other side is that they've had four years of this cool down period, and now he's back again, and stronger than ever, especially after, you know, a near death experience a couple times. And I think it's just that he is, he is now locked in and ready to go. And they think that, I know for a fact, I've heard on social media people saying like that, are, you know, either trans or or on or part of the LGBT community, they think that they're gonna die. Like, I could see the fear in their eyes, and I'm like, I think

that's part of the mental issues they're starting

right but, but I'm just saying it's like that, like that, that like reality. They so, so deeply think that, like they're they drink the

Kool Aid, right?

I know, as I'm saying, they

drink the coup. But the thing is, is, though, that's the problem is, why are we basically feeding people who have these mental illnesses, instead of getting these people where they need help, right? Or maybe, if I. I have problems, or I don't know if I'm a man or a woman in those in those early, early years of life, you know, it's okay. It may be a little natural to kind of go through some confusion, right? But it doesn't mean let's go and let's go chop off body parts and irrevocably change my body. I had, I had a friend me. I had a friend of mine, and not tell the parents, not tell the parents, and do this before you have a friend of

mine. She is a lesbian, and she was like, there was a point in time when I was younger where I wanted to dress as a boy. I wanted to be. She's like, I wanted to dress as a lizard. I was I was weird when I was young, and I grew up, and I realized that I am a woman and I'm attracted to women. And I was like, that's great. And she's like, and I she was like, I may be a lesbian, but I don't think that we should be making some irreversible decisions for children. If you

want to stay with you want to do that as an adult, if you want to

free country, do it. I

have no problem with doing right.

Do it. That's what this country. I have

your personal opinion on that stuff, but if that's what you want to do, right? More power to you. I don't use my taxpayer dollars to do it. It was

interesting because, like, I to hear her perspective, talking about the fact that she, you know, was wanting to keep kids out of it. I was like, I can get behind that. I can totally get behind it. And she was like, you know, I'm I'm a woman. That is who I am. I attracts to women. I still dress like a boy. That doesn't mean that doesn't mean I'm a man, not how that works. And I was like, more powerful

when x man was here early on the show, we found out that Ian wanted to have sex with aliens. I don't know if that's still going on, but at one time, we found out she did.

He's going to release all the documents. That's right, so it's all fixing to come out. I mean, it's, I think he's basically says, You know what, I'm releasing it all. There we go. You know, next four years could be, really, it could be interesting to see what different will come out. I'm very interested if he releases the full JFK files.

Oh, yes, yes, straight to New Orleans mafia.

I think, from what you know, this almost happened during his first term, and Pompeo is the one that convinced him not to Okay. And basically, I mean Trump, I think was one of the podcasts they asked him about. He goes, I was going to release it, but he says it would have embarrassed some of those people are still alive.

Oh no,

so, because I'm done, because now he knows if you saw, if you saw Pompeo, and it was trying to weasel his way. And then this is what I'm saying the new media. Oh yeah, social media started basically sending him, you know, his team got these are what these people were saying about you. Yep, think long and hard before you put him back. Yep, in any part of your administration, if you notice him and Nikki Haley are not going to be, not be a part of him, because, guess what, they're they're tied into that military industrial industrial complex. Dang, yep, they need to go and stew on it. They really do, because it's time to worry about getting America rebuilt. Yeah. I mean, we need bridges. We need to be rebuilt roads.

It's always we need Ukraine, even ports

maybe help shore up our own finances in this country when it comes to Medicare, Social Security and the things that we I have value. I

have said this about personal stuff, and I've said this about friends going through personal stuff. I've had some really great mentors my life. Tell me this, which is why I keep repeating it. Is there comes a time where you have to realize that you can't pour from an empty cup. There's a moment whenever you get to realize that, like you don't, you got to fill yourself up. You got to take care of yourself. Because, again, it's the same thing with being on a plane. The reason why they always say put a mask on yourself first. Because again, if, I mean, if you can't take care of nobody else, if you're not conscious and coherent and can do that. So you can, I think there comes a time where I'm and I'm hoping that's what again,

I like that analogy. It's time for America to put a mask on itself, right? Just about that,

figure it out and fill out. Learn how to fill yourself up. Learn how to take care of yourself. So that way you can go back out and fill other people up as well.

 That was pretty cool.

 You're right. I do want to get to a point where American can be a great superpower again, where we can do all these great things and be, you know, a great military. But a certain point in time you have to realize that, okay, we got to, like, focus on what we got here, because, you know, we did, those are falling down. 

We did our part, you know, with the Marshall Plan and rebuild in Europe. But you know, we've gotten to a point now the world, those countries have been completely rebuilt. They've got very vibrant economies now, right? And it's time that we start, you know what? Work on America? Yeah, we need to work on us. Yep, we need to get because we can't be strong to the world, right? Unless we're we're fixed, right? Yeah, you know. And we get. Our citizens where they need to be and take care of those necessary things that we all want,

right? It's really funny. We keep going back to the episode we did the fourth turn. Oh, yeah, and

we got a comment on it saying from someone on the YouTube channel saying, great episode. I can't wait to hear more about what you guys have to say. You're tuning into this episode,

yeah. But you know what hard times create strong men? Yep, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. And weak men create hard times. We're in that weak men era. This is the time when we need to stand up and put America first, rebuild ourselves so that we can be strong for everybody, right?

Well, right now I'm looking at the timelines for the now with the election in the rear view mirror. Inauguration Day is January 20. But prior to that, we got November 7. The States must begin to certify election results. We're past that. US Election Assistance Commission states that Delaware is a first in line as to certify their results by November 7, Georgia must certify their results by November 23 Michigan by November 25 and North Carolina, Nevada by November 26 Wisconsin follows on December 1, and Arizona on December 2, just to name a few interesting November 11 transition briefings begin transition. Three Things for the new Trump administration have to start by November 11. Agencies will brief incoming officials on their on the most important work, and the top positions have to be filled. My understanding, there's ongoing interviews right now with their transition team. November 26 Trump to be sentenced in New York hush money case. Be very curious, how, what happens with that?

Well, Jack Smith, he doesn't want to be around right? So they're already in. He's, he's closing his cases. They're just going to be done because Trump said he's firing him the day he takes office. Yeah,

that November 26 deal. It's, I don't know what they're going to do there. December 11, Governor signed certificates of ascertainment after certification results, state governors must sign certificates of ascertainment to officially hand the state electors to the candidate that won the state in question. These signed documents will be handed to Congress and treat it as the official results. The documents, which will have to be signed by December 11, will include the names of the electors expected to cast the state's votes in the upcoming electoral college vote. December 17 electoral college vote, the electors will meet in each state to cast their votes for president and vice president, along with certificates of his retirement. The recorded votes are sent to the Congress and the National Archives, electoral vote must arrive in Washington, December. Washington, DC, by December 25 the deadline for the Electoral College votes to arrive in the nation's capital is a fourth Wednesday in December this year. That's Christmas Day. If the documents have yet to arrive, the President of the Senate or the archivist may ask for an additional copy from a state's from the from a state's top election officer. January 3, Congress convenes. A new Congress begins on January 3, at noon, the house must first elect a speaker for its upcoming term. January 6, electoral votes are counted, a date seared in the memories of memory, particularly members of Congress present for the insurrection nearly four years ago, January 6. 2025. Is the day when Congress officially accounts the Electoral College votes to certify President Elect Trump's election, and then January 20, the Trump era will begin with the second inauguration of the former president. While Trump did not attend prison, Joe Biden's inauguration, 21 Biden's expected to be there for Trump swearing in. You know, I often find it funny. How if, if, if, if the Biden family basically screwed, considering what happened, yeah, with him getting replaced and but I guarantee there are many that felt that maybe that might probably wasn't the best thing. But I saw another deal the after they the debate they had, yeah, that supposedly Biden's internal polls were telling Trump was going to have a 400 electoral victory. Wow. So really, yeah, it wouldn't. It wasn't good. I think a lot of people were going to be staying home on the Democratic side because the Republican side was already energized.

Oh yeah, was value. I mean. Know we were, we talked about that after the whole the attempt on his life, or, like you, I think one of us here had mentioned that the fact that last time that happened to a presidential elect, they sweeped the polls, apparently. So yeah.

I mean, this is gonna be, oh yeah, again, be interesting. I mean, how this plays out, I as a, as a, you know, as a Christian, I pray for for Trump and his success, and I hope he's got a lot of pressure on him. He's got a lot to deliver. And I hope he stays true, yep, and because, believe me, people will turn on him if he starts going

the first time he got a lawyer, he was new to the whole political right, and his cabinet was, you know, it was right, you know, he had some this time. He's got some experience, yep. And he had a lot of smart people coming in his cabinets. Gonna be extremely different this time, right? The people talking to him now are gonna, you know, hey, stay off of social media. Don't be doing a child of shit on Twitter now, even though he's got the owner of Twitter on his damn team, you know he's gonna say, Okay, we need to do this a little smarter. Let's, let's really help the American people this time. And he's gonna have a good team. You know, when you think about the people he that are flocking to his banner right now,

it's like I said, I just, I hope that we can. I hope that we can keep a level head and we can move forward as peacefully as we can. That's my big thing. Is I just,

if the other side allows him, I know the only problem,

and that's why, that's why I'm optimistic and I'm hopeful. That's why I spoke in that way. Because I was like, I just hope that we can. I know there's gonna be pushback. I know people are gonna be upset and emotional about everything, but I just, I hope that we can all just, it's like we like we've been saying right now, we're all at a point in time where we want to be financially secure. We want to be able to take care of ourselves and take care of our families and focus on that kind of stuff. And I think, I think it's very I don't think it's very surprising that we're in a world right now where a lot of people in my age bracket, and potentially younger, are like, I don't want to have children because I can't afford it, and there's no, I can't even afford a home. And like, all like, that's the mindset. And I would love to see a time where, even in a handful of years, that conversation can change. That's the same thing that happened with the baby boomers. Back in the day, there was, like, the whole like, the the like, we talked about the fourth turning, like, the economy was down. Things were not great. But then the second things that kind of after the war and all that kind of stuff. Like, you know, people were prospering and thriving, and the world was a new place, and people were, you know, had the American dream, had houses and children, and that was such a thing. And I feel like, again, mirroring that same timeline of like, now we're in a time where, like, hopefully, you know, in in the next five to 10 years, it could be something like that, again, where America is in some sort of new kind of American dream, whatever that may look like, where we're having, people can afford homes, and people can have children, and, you know, we're in a, you know, in a new age, if you will. So that's all I wanted to say on that stuff.

No, that's, that's great point. I would love that too. I would love for this generation to be able to enjoy life and quit being so stressful. Yeah, yeah.

So before we're definitely at time. But I wanted to, I wanted to give a little shout out to the people on our YouTube channel. We just now hit 100 subscribers on our YouTube channel, just on YouTube specifically wait till we go video. What I was trying to say was, if you go to YouTube and go in the little search bar, you can type at retrospect pod and you can find our channel there. If you want to subscribe, you can like the episodes, give little comments at the bottom. I try and reach or I try and, you know, read those whenever they come up. And we also run all the major podcasting platforms, you know, as per usual. And again, as we've said for the past couple weeks, if you're a Pandora user and we're hoping or wishing we were on there, we're on there now. So look at us. I think again, it's either just type in retrospect or retrospect pod is usually how you can find us.

And we got the website. We got the website as retrospect, correct.

But anyways, and our email, sorry, our email, yes, get offended if you want to, you know, give us some more long form responses, because I know sometimes the comment section doesn't allow you. I think YouTube allows you to type a pretty significant amount. So anyways,

and share us. Yeah, if you, if you like us, let other people. Don't hold us, don't hot, don't, don't keep us,

don't gate, keep yeah, let's get

us out there. Share us. Everybody listening to us. But

I think it's really cool that are the YouTube channel, you know, we've I think was sometime towards the beginning of this year, I was able to get it all patched over. And it's cool that in less than a year, we're already on 100 subscribers there. So it's really cool, and I want to say thank you, and it's really exciting. And

we are working on the video. We are patient with us. We are working on it,

but until next week. Thank you so much for listening. Bye, bye,

goodbye everyone and God bless America.

Hey. Thanks for hanging out with us today. You're the best. Peace.